Andrian Pratama, 2024. The Influence of Motivation, Leadership Style,
Organizational Culture, and Continuing Professional Development on the
Performance of Official Vocational College Lecturers in East Java.
Supervisor: (I)
Prof. Dr. H. Muchlas Samani, M.Pd. and (II) Prof. Dr. I Gusti Putu Asto
Buditjahjanto, M.T.
Keywords: motivation, leadership style, organizational culture, Continuing
Professional Development, lecturer performance.
The background of this research is the implementation of Continuing
Professional Development activities that are not optimal with few lecturers who
have doctoral and head lecturer levels and institutional changes that affect
organizational culture and lecturer motivation. Good lecturer performance is
influenced by leadership support, a positive organizational culture, and the
willingness of individual lecturers to improve their knowledge and skills.
This study aims to find out and analyze the influence of motivation,
leadership style, and organizational culture on Continuing Professional
Development directly, and then the influence of motivation, leadership style,
organizational culture, and Continuing Professional Development on lecturer
performance directly or indirectly through Continuing Professional Development.
The data collection technique uses a questionnaire with a survey technique.
This research was conducted on 157 permanent lecturers who work at
official vocational colleges in East Java from the Surabaya Aviation Polytechnic,
Surabaya Shipping Polytechnic, Sidoarjo Marine and Fisheries Polytechnic,
Malang Agricultural Development Polytechnic, and Indonesian Railway
Polytechnic Madiun. This study is a quantitative research, descriptive analysis is
used in analyzing respondent data and testing hypotheses using path analysis
through Boostropping using Partial Least Square with a program (SmartPLS
Version 4).
The results showed that motivation, leadership style, and organizational
culture had an influence on Continuing Professional Development, then motivation,
organizational culture, and Continuing Professional Development had an effect on
lecturer performance, but leadership style had no effect on lecturer performance.
Continuing Professional Development is able to act as a mediator for motivation,
leadership style, and organizational culture to influence lecturer performance. The
results of the study also showed that there was no influence between motivation and
organizational culture on leadership style.