Purwanto, Devi Vitriana. 2019. The Effect of ARIAS Learning Model and Achievement Motivation to Knowledge Competencies and Social Skills for Eightth Grade Student's of State Junior High School 1 Kanigoro- Blitar. Thesis . Study program of Social Studies Education. Postgraduate Program, State University of Surabaya. Advisors: (1) Dr. Harmanto, S.Pd, M.Pd, (2) Prof. Dr. Ismet Basuki, M.Pd.
Key Words : ARIAS Learning Model, Achievement Motivation, Knowledge Competencies, Social Skills
This study aims to (1) analyzing the differences in knowledge competence on social studies between students learning with ARIAS learning model and direct instruction; (2) analyzing the difference in knowledge competence with high achievement motivation compared to students with low achievement motivation; (3) analyzing the interaction between the application of learning model (ARIAS Learning Model and Direct Instruction) and achievement motivation toward students' knowledge competence subjects on social studies; (4) analyzing the differences in social skills on social studies between students learning with ARIAS learning model and direct instruction; (5) analyzing the difference in social skills with high achievement motivation compared to students with low achievement motivation; (3) analyzing the interaction between the application of learning model (ARIAS Learning Model and Direct Instruction) and achievement motivation toward students' social skills subjects on social studies.
This research method is quasi experiment with a 2x2 factorial design and the collected data is processed statistically by using two-way analysis of variance (ANAVA) using a significance level of 0,05. The subjects of the study were Eightth Grade Student's of State Junior High School 1 Kanigoro-Blitar, consisting of ten classes with details of one experimental classes and one control classes.
The results of this study indicate that: (1) knowledge competence of students learning with ARIAS learning model significanly higher than the knowledge competence of students learning with direct instruction both subjects on social studies; (2) knowledge competence of students who have high achievement motivation, significantly higher than the knowledge competence of students who have loq achievement motivation; (3) there is an interaction between the application of learning model (ARIAS Learning Model and Direct Instruction) and achievement motivation toward students' knowledge competence subjects on social studies; (4) social skills of students learning with ARIAS learning model significanly higher than the knowledge competence of students learning with direct instruction both subjects on social studies; (5) social skills of students who have high achievement motivation, significantly higher than the knowledge competence of students who have loq achievement motivation; (6) there is an interaction between the application of learning model (ARIAS Learning Model and Direct Instruction) and achievement motivation toward students' social skills subjects on social studies.