Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menguji hubungan komite audit dan karakteristik perusahaan terhadap keberadaan komite manajemen risiko atau risk management committee (RMC) baik yang terpisah mapun yang bergabung dengan komite audit. Komite audit yang gunakan independensi komite audit, ukuran komite audit, dan frekuensi rapat komite audit. Karakteristik perusahaan yang digunakan ukuran perusahaan, kompleksitas perusahaan, risiko pelaporan keuangan, leverage, dan reputasi auditor. Sampel penelitian ini seluruh perusahaan yang terdaftar di BEI tahun 2018 sebanyak 449 perusahaan. Data yang digunakan adalah laporan tahunan perusahaan dengan menggunakan alat regresi logistik. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukan bahwa variabel independensi komite audit, ukuran komite audit, ukuran perusahaan, dan risiko pelaporan keuangan berhubungan terhadap keberadaan komite manajemen risiko terpisah. Sedangkan variabel lainnya seperti frekuensi rapat komite audit, kompleksitas perusahaan, leverage, dan reputasi auditor tidak berhubungan terhadap keberadaan komite manajemen risiko yang tepisah.
Kata Kunci: komite audit, karakteristik perusahaan, komite manajemen risiko.
This study aims to examine the relationship of the audit committee and the characteristics of the company to the existence of a risk management committee (RMC) either separate or joined to the audit committee. The audit committee uses the independence of the audit committee, the size of the audit committee, and the frequency of audit committee meetings. Company characteristics used are company size, company complexity, financial reporting risk, leverage, and auditor reputation. The sample of this study were all 449 companies listed on the IDX in 2018. The data used is the company's annual report using logistic regression tools. The results of this study indicate that the audit committee independence variable, audit committee size, company size, and financial reporting risk are related to the existence of a separate risk management committee. While other variables such as the frequency of audit committee meetings, company complexity, leverage, and auditor reputation are not related to the existence of a separate risk management committee.
Keywords: audit committee, company characteristics, risk management committee.