Penelitian bertujuan untuk memperoleh permainan CHIBO Adventure sebagai media pembelajaran ikatan kimia SMA. Metode penelitian yang digunakan adalah penelitian dan pengembangan yang dilakukan hingga tahap uji coba terbatas. Uji coba dilakukan kepada 30 peserta didik kelas X di SMA Negeri 1 Manyar, Gresik. Kelayakan permainan ditinjau dari aspek validitas, kepraktisan, dan keefektifan. Aspek validitas diperoleh dari penilaian validasi oleh validator yaitu dua dosen kimia dan satu guru kimia. Aspek kepraktisan diperoleh dari observasi aktivitas dan angket respon peserta didik. Adapun aspek keefektifan diperoleh dari hasil belajar dan angket motivasi belajar peserta didik. Hasil dari validitas isi diperoleh persentase rentang 86%-93% dengan kategori sangat valid dan validitas konstruk diperoleh persentase rentang 66%-100% dengan kategori valid dan sangat valid. Hasil observasi aktivitas peserta didik diperoleh persentase rentang 83%-100% dengan kategori sangat baik dan hasil angket respon peserta didik diperoleh rentang persentase 83%-100% dengan kategori sangat baik. Hasil belajar peserta didik diperoleh ketuntasan klasikal dengan persentase100% dan hasil angket motivasi belajar peserta didik diperoleh persentase 83%-93% dengan kategori sangat baik. Berdasarkan hasil dari penelitian maka permainan CHIBO (Chemical Bond) Adventure layak digunakan sebagai media pembelajaran ikatan kimia untuk peserta didik SMA.
Kata Kunci: Permainan CHIBO Adventure, Media Pembelajaran, Ikatan Kimia
The research aims to acquire the game of CHIBO Adventure as a learning media on chemical bond matter for senior high school. The research method used is Research and Development (R&D) done until the limited testing phase. The test is done to 30 students 10thin SMA Negeri 1 Manyar-Gresik. Feasibility of a game based on the aspects of validity, practicability, and effectiveness. Aspects of the validity is obtained from the validation assessment by validator consisting of two chemistry lecturers and one chemistry teacher. Practicability aspects are obtained from observations of student activities and student response questionnaire. The feasibility of effectiveness aspect obtained from learning outcomes and student learning motivation questionnaires. The results of the content validity obtained range percentage 86%-93% with a very valid category and construct validity obtained in the range of 66%-100% with a valid and very valid category. The results of observations of student activities obtained percentages ranging from 83% to 100% with very good categories and the results of student responses questionnaire obtained range percentages 83%-100% with very good categories. Learning outcomes of students obtained classical completeness get percentage of 100% and the results of student learning motivation questionnaires obtained a percentage of 83% -93% with a very good category. Based on the results of the research, the CHIBO (Chemical Bond) Adventure game can be used as a chemical bond learning media for high school students.
Keywords: CHIBO Adventure Game, Learning Media, Chemical Bond