Olahraga dapat diartikan sebagai serangkaian gerak raga yang teratur dan terencana yang dilakukan orang dengan kesadaran diri untuk meningkatkan kemampuan fungsionalnya. Sepakbola ialah salah satu olahraga paling terkenal di dunia karena mayoritas orang menyukai sepakbola, mulai dari anak-anak, remaja, hingga orang dewasa. Dalam olahraga sepakbola tentu diperlukan kondisi fisik dan status gizi yang baik untuk menunjang pemain dalam menjalani pertandingan. Kondisi fisik merupakan keadaan kemampuan tubuh seseorang yang bisa menyesuaikan fungsi indera-indera tubuhnya terhadap tugas jasmani. Kondisi fisik yang optimal dapat menunjang kemampuan strategi serta teknik atlet saat latihan maupun pertandingan. Indeks massa tubuh (IMT) dan kondisi fisik pada tim sepakbola perlu lebih diperhatikan karena hal tersebut penting untuk kemajuan sepakbola. Hal tersebut perlu diperhatikan lantaran masih kurangnya kondisi fisik dan IMT pada atlet sepakbola Akademi Arema Ngunut Tulungagung masuk pada kategori ideal dengan rata-rata 76,47%, kondisi fisik kecepatan atlet yaitu skor maksimum sebesar 41,18% dan skor minimum 5,88%, kondisi fisik kekuatan otot perut atlet yaitu skor maksimum sebesar 53% dan skor minimum 0%, kondisi fisik kelincahan atlet yaitu skor maksimum sebesar 47% dan skor minimum 0%, kondisi fisik daya tahan atlet yaitu skor maksimum sebesar 36% dan skor minimum 0%, kondisi fisik daya ledak otot tungkai atlet yaitu skor maksimum sebesar 23% dan skor minimum 6%
Kata kunci : Kondisi Fisik, Indeks Massa Tubuh (IMT), Atlet Sepakbola
Sports can be interpreted as a series of regular and planned exercises that people do with self-awareness to improve their functional abilities. Football is one of the most famous sports in the world because the majority of people love football, from children, teenagers, to adults. In the sport of football, of course, good physical conditions and nutritional status are needed to support players in undergoing matches. Physical condition is the state of one's body's ability to adapt the function of the body's senses to bodily tasks. Optimal physical condition can support the athlete's strategic and technical abilities during training and competition. Body mass index (BMI) and physical condition in a football team need more attention because it is important for the progress of football. This needs to be considered because there is still a lack of physical condition and BMI in the Arema Ngunut Tulungagung Academy soccer athletes in the ideal category with an average of 76.47%, the physical condition of the athlete's speed is a maximum score of 41.18% and a minimum score of 5.88%. , the physical condition of the athlete's abdominal muscle strength, namely the maximum score of 53% and the minimum score of 0%, the physical condition of the athlete's agility, namely the maximum score of 47% and the minimum score of 0%, the physical condition of the athlete's endurance, namely the maximum score of 36% and the minimum score of 0. %, the physical condition of the athlete's limb muscles is a maximum score of 23% and a minimum score of 6%.
Keywords: Physical Condition, Body Mass Index (BMI) , Soccer Athlete