Development of the Learning Device of Social Studies Based on Local Wisdom of the Pamekasan Community for Grade V Elementary School
Candra, Nisrina Wian 2020, Pengembangan Perangkat Pembelajaran Berbasis Kearifan Lokal Masyarakat Kabupaten Pamekasan. Tesis, Program Studi Pendidikan Dasar, Pascasarjana Universitas Negeri Surabaya. Pembimbing (I) Dr. Suhanadji, M.Si dan (II) Dr. Totok Suyanto, M.Pd.
Kata Kunci: IPS, Contextual Teaching and Learning (CTL),Kearifan Lokal.
Tujuan penelitian ini adalah melakukan pengembangan perangkat pembelajaran IPS berbasis kearifan lokal masyarakat Kab.Pamekasan dengan pendekatan Contextual Teaching and Learning (CTL). Pengembangan ini, berlatar belakang dari adanya kebutuhan untuk mengangkat kearifan lokal dalam kehidupan masyarakat dan adanya kebutuhan guru terhadap ini komponen penunjang pembelajaran IPS. Pembelajaran IPS dengan pendekatan Contextual Teaching and Learning (CTL) menjadi pilihan yang sangat cocok untuk mengenalkan nilai, dan muatan kearifan lokal. Begitupun dengan prinsip konstruktivisme yang dalam pendekatan Contextual Teaching and Learning (CTL), pembelajaran IPS membutuhkan intregasi nilai-nilai kearifan lokal sebagai jembatan dalam mengembangkan kemampuan afektif dan ketrampilan sosial siswa. Sehingga penelitian ini disusun sbeagai penelitian pengembangan dengan model 4D, yang terdiri dari empat tahapan yaitu (1) devine, (2) design, (3) development dan (4) dissemintaion. Tujuan pengembangan ini untuk mengetahui tingkat kevalidan oleh ahli, kepraktisan dengan aktifitas dan repon siswa, dan keefektifan dengan mengukur kemampuan afektif dan ketrampilan sosial siswa. Hasil validasi perangkat pembelajaran berkategori sangat layak, keterlaksanaan RPP terlaksana dengan sngat baik, aktivitas siswa sangat baik, respon siswa terhadap pembelajaran IPS berbasis kearifan lokal dengan pendekatanb Contextual Teaching and Leraning (CTL) sangat positif. Hasil penelitian menunjukan pembelajaran IPS dengan berbasis kearifan lokal dapat membangun kemampuan afektif dan ketrampilan sosial siswa.
Candra, Nisrina Wian 2020,Development of the Learning Device of Social Studies Based on Local Wisdom of the Pamekasan Community for Grade V Elementary School . Thesis, Basic Education Study Program, Postgraduate Program, State University of Surabaya. Advisor (I) Dr. Suhanadji, M.Si and (II) Dr. Totok Suyanto, M.Pd.
Keywords: Social Studies, Contextual Teaching and Learning (CTL), Local Wisdom.
The purpose of this study was to develop social studies learning devicebased on local wisdom of the people of Pamekasan community with the Contextual Teaching and Learning (CTL) approach. This development is based on the need to raise local wisdom in community life and the need for teachers to support components of social studies learning. Social studies learning with the Contextual Teaching and Learning (CTL) approach is a very suitable choice for introducing the values and content of local wisdom. Likewise with the principle of constructivism in the Contextual Teaching and Learning (CTL) approach, social studies learning requires the integration of local wisdom values as a bridge in developing students' affective and social skills. So this research is structured as a development research with a 4D model, which consists of four stages, namely (1) devine, (2) design, (3) development and (4) dissemination. The purpose of this development is to determine the level of validity by experts, practicality with student activities and responses, and effectiveness by measuring students' affective and social skills. The results of the validation of learning device were categorized as very feasible, the implementation of lesson plans was very well carried out, student activities were very good, student responses to social studies learning based on local wisdom with the Contextual Teaching and Leraning (CTL) approach were very positive. The results showed that social studies learning based on local wisdom can build students' affective and social skills. (2) design, (3) development and (4) dissemination. The purpose of this development is to determine the level of validity by experts, practicality with student activities and responses, and effectiveness by measuring students' affective and social skills. The results of the validation of learning devicewere categorized as very feasible, the implementation of lesson plans was very well carried out, student activities were very good, student responses to social studies learning based on local wisdom with the Contextual Teaching and Leraning (CTL) approach were very positive. The results showed that social studies learning based on local wisdom can build students' affective and social skills. (2) design, (3) development and (4) dissemination. The purpose of this development is to determine the level of validity by experts, practicality with student activities and responses, and effectiveness by measuring students' affective and social skills. The results of the validation of learning devicewere categorized as very feasible, the implementation of lesson plans was very well carried out, student activities were very good, student responses to social studies learning based on local wisdom with the Contextual Teaching and Leraning (CTL) approach were very positive. The results showed that social studies learning based on local wisdom can build students' affective and social skills. and effectiveness by measuring students' affective and social skills. The results of the validation of learning devicewere categorized as very feasible, the implementation of lesson plans was very well carried out, student activities were very good, student responses to social studies learning based on local wisdom with the Contextual Teaching and Leraning (CTL) approach were very positive. The results showed that social studies learning based on local wisdom can build students' affective and social skills. and effectiveness by measuring students' affective and social skills. The results of the validation of learning devicewere categorized as very feasible, the implementation of lesson plans was very well carried out, student activities were very good, student responses to social studies learning based on local wisdom with the Contextual Teaching and Leraning (CTL) approach were very positive. The results showed that social studies learning based on local wisdom can build students' affective and social skills.