Currently, where everything
is online, administrative matters at the RT level have not been carried out
online, such as when making a crowd permit, residents are required to meet
directly with the RT management with the aim of submitting a request for a crowd
permit. From the problems that have been mentioned, it is necessary to create a
web-based application that can be used for all RTs, where the web can be used
for administrative purposes from the RT, with this application residents can
apply for a cover letter through this website application. In developing this
application, the author uses the R&D ( Research and Development ) method
with the ADDIE model for the research method. Some of the diagrams used in this
study are entity relationship diagrams to explain the database used, activity
diagrams to explain business processes in the SILAPUNG application, use cases
to explain features at each user level, anddiagramsuser. sequence to explain
the workflow of eachthe features in this application, the technology used in
website thisis PHP for the programming language with Codeigniter as the
framework, Apache Spark as the web server, and MYSQL for the database server.
The research and development procedures are Analysis, Design, Development,
Implementation, Evaluation. At thestage, the Analysis author analyzes the needs
of application users by conducting interviews with RT management about what is
needed for administrative purposes and suggestions for the SILAPUNG
application. This study aims to develop a village service system in an existing
RT area, the result of this research is the design of a website-based
application with the Codeigniter framework that meets the needs of application
users, namely RT administrators, residents, and general users.
Keywords: website application, RT management,
village service, application development.