Tujuan penelitian ini adalah (1) untuk mengetahui hasil jadi hair tonic dengan penambahan ekstrak daun bidara laut (strychnos lingustrina blume), dan (2) mengetahui kadar pH hair tonic yang paling disukai panelis, (3) mengetahui masa simpan hair tonic terbaik. Jenis penelitian adalah eksperimen, dengan variabel bebas jumlah penambahan ekstrak daun bidara laut yaitu : X1 (0,5gr), X2 (0,75gr), dan X3 (1gr). Variabel terikat, yaitu sifat fisik hair tonic yang meliputi aroma, warna, homogenitas, kesan pemakaian dan kesukaan panelis. Teknik pengumpulan data yaitu menggunakan metode observasi yang dilakukan oleh 10 orang panelis. Teknik analisis data yang digunakan yaitu analisis deskriptif kuantitatif. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa hair tonic yang paling baik yaitu hair tonic dengan penambahan ekstrak daun bidara laut 0,75gr (X2), dengan kriteria beraroma daun bidara laut, berwarna hijau kekuningan, homogen, dan terasa dingin dan mudah menyerap pada kulit. Ph hair tonic pada hari ke-7 yaitu memiliki kadar ph 6,58 dan pada hari ke-10 memiliki kadar ph 6,55. Hal tersebut berarti Hair tonic masih sesuai dengan SNI syarat hair tonic yaitu antara 3,0-7,0. Masa simpan hair tonic masih dapat digunakan sampai hari ke-10 karena jumlah mikroba masih sesuai dengan SNI hair tonic yakni dibawah 105. hasil angka lempeng total bakteri tersebut yaitu 3,2x101.
The aim of this research is (1) to determine the effect of the results of being a hair tonic with the addition of stryhnos ligustrina blume (bidara laut) leaf extract different, on the physical properties of hair tonic and the panelists level of preference, (2) know the pH level of Hair tonic that panelists like best, (3) knowing the shelf life of the panelists most like. This research was an experiment, with the independent variable the amount of addition of stryhnos ligustrina blume (bidara laut) leaf extract namely : X1 (0.5gr), X2 (0.75gr), and X3 (1gr). Dependent variable, namely the physical nature of hair tonic which includes scent, color, homogeneity, impression of usage and panelist preference. Data collection technique is to use the method of observation conducted by 10 panelists. The data analysis technique used is quantitative descriptive analysis. The results showed that the most preferred hair tonic by panelists was hair tonic with the addition of 0.75gr (X2) stryhnos ligustrina blume (bidara laut) laut leaf extract, with scented criteria for stryhnos ligustrina blume (bidara laut) leaf, yellowish green, homogeneous, and felt cold and easily absorbed on the skin. Hair tonic ph on the 7th day has a pH level of 6.58 and on the 10th day has a pH level of 6.55. This means that Hair tonic is still in accordance with SNI hair tonic requirements, which is between 3.0-7.0. The shelf life of hair tonic can still be used until the 10th day because the number of microbes is still in accordance with SNI hair tonic which is below105. the result of total bacterial plate count is 3.2x101.