Analisis Lukisan Anak Berkebutuhan Khusus Di SMP Inklusi Galuh Handayani Surabaya
Nama : Arif Hidayat
NIM : 17020124033
Program Studi : S-1 Pendidikan Seni Rupa
Fakultas : Bahasa dan Seni
Nama Lembaga : Universitas Negeri Surabaya
Pembimbing : Muchlis Arif, S.Sn., M.Sn.
Penelitian ini dilatarbelakangi oleh berbagai macam kekhasan lukisan Anak Berkebutuhan Khusus di SMP Galuh Handayani Surabaya, sehingga penulis mencoba untuk menganalisis proses pembelajaran seni budaya dan hasil karya lukisan anak-anak berkebutuhan khusus terutama anak autis.
Penelitian ini dilakukan di kelas VIII SMP Inklusi Galuh Handayani Surabaya dengan jumlah lima siswa. Berdasarkan hasil penelitian, proses pelaksanaan selama dua pertemuan. Pertemuan pertama menjelaskan tentang materi seni lukis menggunakan media Power Point. Siswa siswi ABK diberikan materi tentang seni lukis, unsur-unsur seni lukis dan diberikan contoh sebuah karya seni lukis anak.
Pertemuan kedua siswa ABK membuat sebuah karya lukis dengan tema bebas berjumlah 5 karya, dari 5 siswa dengan hasil analisis unsur-unsur seni rupa, dan menurut teori Victor Lowenfeld.
Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah 1. Untuk menganalisis proses pembelajaran melukis di SMP Galuh Handayani Surabaya. 2. Untuk menganalisis lukisan Anak Berkebutuhan Khusus di SMP Galuh Handayani Surabaya.
Penelitian ini menggunakan pendekatan kualitatif dengan menyajikan data secara deskriptif. Data penelitian diperoleh dari lukisan karya siswa ABK kelas VIII di SMP Galuh Handayani Surabaya dan wawancara dengan guru seni budaya untuk memvalidasi data yang telah diperoleh saat penelitian.
Penganalisisan lukisan anak berkebutuhan khusus di SMP Galuh Handayani dengan jumlah 5 siswa. Masing-masing siswa membuat 1 buah karya lukis di kertas watercolor. Tanggapan kepala sekolah dan guru terhadap penelitian ini sangat positif. Karena melalui analisis lukisan siswa ABK ini, guru mampu memahami karakter setiap siswanya. Dan melalui penelitian ini siswa-siswa ABK nya ini mampu menambah kreatifiasnya, dan mampu mengendalikan emosinya dengan cara membuat karya lukis.
Kata Kunci : Lukisan ABK, Karakter Lukisan
Analysis of Paintings of Children with Special Needs at Galuh Handayani Middle School, Surabaya
Name : Arif Hidayat
Study Program : S1 Fine Arts Education
Faculty : Language and Arts
Institution Name : Surabaya State University
Advisor : Muchlis Arif, S.Sn., M.Sn.
This research is motivated by the various characteristics of paintings by children with special needs at Galuh Handayani Middle School, Surabaya, so the author tries to analyze the art and culture learning process and the results of paintings by children with special needs, especially children with autism.
This research was conducted in class VIII of Galuh Handayani Inclusion Middle School, Surabaya with a total of five students. Based on the research results, the implementation process took two meetings. The first meeting explained about painting art materials using Power Point media. ABK students were given material about painting, the elements of painting and were given an example of a child's painting.
The second meeting of the ABK students created a painting work with a free theme totaling 5 works, from 5 students with the results of an analysis of the elements of fine art, and according to Victor Lowenfeld's theory.
The objectives of this research are 1. To analyze the painting learning process at Galuh Handayani Middle School, Surabaya. 2. To analyze the paintings of Children with Special Needs at Galuh Handayani Middle School, Surabaya.
This research uses a qualitative approach by presenting data descriptively. Research data was obtained from paintings by class VIII ABK students at Galuh Handayani Middle School, Surabaya and interviews with arts and culture teachers to validate the data obtained during the research.
Analysis of paintings by children with special needs at Galuh Handayani Middle School with a total of 5 students. Each student made 1 painting on watercolor paper. The response of school principals and teachers to this research was very positive. Because through analyzing the paintings of ABK students, teachers are able to understand the character of each student. And through this research, the ABK students were able to increase their creativity and were able to control their emotions by creating paintings.
Keywords: ABK paintings, painting characters