Name :
Mega Pandu Manggalya
N IM : 16040263007
Study program : DIII P ublic Administration
Major :
Public Administration
Faculty :
Faculty of Social Sciences and Law
Name of Institution : State University of Surabaya
Advisor :
Gading Gamaputra, S.AP., MPA.
The application of
information systems is needed to help do work, especially work related to data
management. Technical implementation unit of occupational
safety surabaya an information system called coding to assist
employees in inputting data on the results of emission, ambient and work ing environment samples obtained from the results of
tests conducted at companies. It also can provide security and accuracy of
sample data. The purpose of this paper is to describe the effectiveness of the
application of the coding application in the emission testing, ambient and work ing environment processes in the area of study conducted by the technical implementation unit of occupational safety surabaya
The research approach used
is a qualitative descriptive approach. The focus in this study is an indicator
of effectiveness based on the theory of Yazid (in Pidai, 2016: 622). Data
sources used are primary data sources and secondary data sources. The data
collection technique was carried out through three stages, namely observation,
interview, and documentation. The data analysis technique used includes three
stages, namely data reduction, data presentation, and drawing conclusions.
The results of this study describe (1) The quality of work regarding accuracy, skills and accuracy in filling the test cards on emission cards, ambient and work ing environment, inputting data on coding and analyzing the output results. Which is still a lack of accuracy in filling cards and inputting data on coding and lack of supervision or evaluation in each section. (2) The quantity of work related to the number of goods or services completed each month, in this case has been applied to the maximum. (3) Timeliness in filling emission cards, ambient and work environments, inputting data on coding has problems in coding, namely server interruptions that make data input delays. And the time limit regarding whether the output is in accordance with the predetermined schedule has been put in place. (4) Target. Based on the mission of UPT K2, which is to realize a hyperkes information system and work ing environment, UPT K2 has been created, namely creating a coding application to facilitate employees in processing company sample data related to work safety. Suggestions that can be given to the technical implementation unit of occupational safety surabaya are (1) The K2 UPT should impose sanctions regarding errors in data input and take responsibility for assigned work. (2) Do not put the server and computer used for coding in a remote position. (3) Making SOP regarding the follow-up of errors in inputting data that can affect the output results. (4) It is expected that UPT K2 has the goals and objectives of the organization to facilitate work in achieving the goals and make it easy to provide information to the public about the goals and targets possessed by UPT K2. Keywords: Effectiveness, Coding, Emissions, Ambient, Work ing Environment.