Pengembangan media pembelajaran berbasis video naratif dengan pendekatan metakognitif materi ketenagakerjaan kelas XI SMA Negeri 1 Soko
Development of narrative video based learning media with a metacognitive approasch to the employment material for class XI SMA Negeri 1 Soko
Media pembelajaran merupakan salah satu aspek
pendukung dalam kegaiatan pembelajaran terutama dalam
masa pandemi seperti yang tengah terjadi saat ini,
keberadaan media pembelajaran yang memudahkan proses
pembelajaran sangat dibutuhkan. Penelitian pengembangan
ini bertujuan untuk mendeskripsikan tingkat kelayakan ;
menganalisis keefektifan melalui ketuntasan hasil belajar;
serta kepraktisan media melalui angket respon siswa dan
Jenis penelitian R&D (Research and Development)
dengan model ADDIE oleh Dick & Carry dengan lima tahapa
pengembangan diantaranya: analisis, desain, pengembangan,
implementasi dan evaluasi. Subjek penelitian adalah 20 siswa
kelas XI IPS 4 SMA Negeri 1 Soko. Teknik analisis data
berupa 1) analisis validasi ahli 2) perhitungan pretest-postest,
3) angket respon yang di isi guru dan siswa. Hasil penelitian
yang dilakukan menunjukan presentase validasi kelayakan
media pembelajaran video naratif sebesar 80% dengan kategori “Layak”. Sedangkan skor keefektifan diperoleh
persentase sebesar 85% dengan kategori “Baik”. Serta skor
kepraktisan diperoleh presentase sebesar 89.18% dengan
kategori “Sangat baik”. Berdasarkan hasil peneltian, media
pembelajaran berbasis video naratif dengan pendekatan
metakognitif dinayatakan layak untuk digunakan dalam
Learning media is one of the supporting aspects in learning
activities, especially in a pandemic like this time, the existence of
appropriate learning media that makes it easier for students and
teachers to implement the learning process is needed. Research on
the development of narrative video-based learning media with a
metacognitive approach to employment materials aims to describe
the level of feasibility; analyzing effectiveness through completeness
of learning outcomes, as well as media practicality through student
and teacher response questionnaires.
This type of research is R&D (Research and Development)
with the ADDIE model by Dick & Carry with five stages of
development, namely analysis, design, development, implementation
and evaluation. The research subjects were 20 students of class XI
IPS 4 SMA Negeri 1 Soko. The data analysis techniques were 1)
expert validation analysis 2) pretest-postest calculation, 3) teacher
and student response questionnaires. The results showed the
percentage of feasibility validation of narrative video learning media
was 80% in the "Feasible" category. Meanwhile, the score for the
effectiveness was obtained by a percentage of 85% in the "Good"
category. As well as the practicality score obtained a percentage of
89.18% in the "Very good" category. Based on the results of the study, the narrative video-based learning media with a
metacognitive approach were deemed suitable for use in learning.
and teacher response questionnaires. This type of research is R&D
(Research and Development) with the ADDIE model by Dick &
Carry with five stages of development, namely analysis, design,
development, implementation and evaluation. The research subjects
were 20 students of class XI IPS 4 SMA Negeri 1 Soko. The data
analysis techniques were 1) expert validation analysis 2) pretestpostest calculation, 3) teacher and student response questionnaires.
The results showed the percentage of feasibility validation of
narrative video learning media was 80% in the "Feasible" category.
Meanwhile, the score for the effectiveness was obtained by a
percentage of 85% in the "Good" category. As well as the
practicality score obtained a percentage of 89.18% in the "Very
good" category. Based on the results of the study, the narrative
video-based learning media with a m