Taufiq Rahman, 2020. Pengaruh High Intensity Interval Training rasio 1:3 dan 1:5 terhadap kecepatan, kelincahan dan Vo2max pada ekstrakurikuler sepak bola SMAN 5 Mataram. Tesis. Program Studi Pendidikan Olahraga. Pascasarjana Universitas Negeri Surabaya. Pembimbing: (1) Dr. Nurkholis, M.Pd., dan (II) Dr. Rini Ismalasari, M. Kes.
Kata Kunci: High Intensity Interval Training, Kecepatan, Kelincahan, Vo2max
Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengkaji tentang: (1) pengaruh High Intensity Interval Training rasio 1:3 terhadap Kecepatan, Kelincahan dan Vo2max(2) pengaruh High Intensity Interval Training rasio 1:5 terhadap Kecepatan, Kelincahan dan Vo2max (3) perbedaan pengaruh High Intensity Interval Training rasio 1:3 dan 1:5 terhadap Kecepatan, kelincahan dan Vo2max. Subjek penelitian adalah siswa SMAN 5 Mataram sebanyak 45 siswa yang dibagi menjadi tiga kelompok. Kelompok eksperimen I diberikan latihan High Intensity Interval Training rasio 1:3, kelompok eksperimen II diberikan latihan High Intensity Interval Training rasio 1:5 dan kelompok kontrol tidak mendapatkan perlakuan.
Jenis penelitian ini menggunakan penelitian kuantitatif dengan metode quasi experiment. Rancangan penelitian menggunakan matching only design, serta analisis data menggunakan uji-t dan anova. Proses pengambilan data dilakukan dengan Tes lari 30 meter untuk kecepatan, Agillity T test untuk kelincahan dan MFT (Multistage Fitnes Test) untuk Vo2max pada saat Pretest dan Posttest
Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa selisih antara rerata pretest dan posttest dari masing-masing kelompok yaitu: (a) Kelompok eksperimen I untuk kecepatan 0,57 detik, untuk kelincahan 0,52 detik dan untuk Vo2max 1,65 (b) Kelompok eksperimen II untuk kecepatan 0,41 detik, kelincahan 0,47 detik dan untuk Vo2max 1,03. (c) Kelompok kontrol untuk kecepatan -0,08 detik, kelincahan -0,15 detik dan untuk Vo2max -0.36.
Berdasarkan analisis di atas, dapat disimpulkan bahwa terdapat pengaruh kecepatan, kelincahan dan Vo2max untuk masing-masing kelompok eksperimen setelah diberi perlakuan dilihat dari hasil uji-t. Selain itu terdapat perbedaan pengaruh melalui uji anova pada uji post hoc, bahwa terdapat perbedaan pengaruh pada variabel kelincahan antara kelompok eksperimen High Intensity Interval Training rasio 1:3 dan High Intensity Interval Training rasio 1:5 sedangkan pada variabel kecepatan dan Vo2max tidak terdapat perbedaan pengaruh yang signifikan antara kelompok eksperimen High Intensity Interval Training rasio 1:3 dan High Intensity Interval Training rasio 1:5.
Taufiq Rahman , 2020. Effect of High Intensity Interval Training ratio of 1: 3 and 1: 5 on speed, agility and Vo2max on SMAN 5 Mataram soccer extracurricular. Thesis. Sports Education Study Program. Postgraduate of Surabaya State University. Supervisor : (1) Dr. Nurkholis , M.Pd., and (II) Dr. Rini Ismalasari , M. Kes .
Keywords: High Intensity Interval Training , Speed, Agility, Vo2max
This study aims to examine: (1) the effect of the High Intensity Interval Training ratio of 1: 3 to Speed, Agility and Vo2max (2) influence of High Intensity Interval Training ratio 1: 5 to Speed, Agility and Vo2max (3) difference in influence of High Intensity Interval Training ratio of 1: 3 and 1: 5 to Speed, agility and Vo2max. Subjects were students of SMAN 5 Mataram as many as 45 students yes ng divided into three groups . The experimental group I was given a High Intensity Interval Training ratio 1: 3 exercise, the experimental group II was given a High Intensity Interval Training ratio of 1: 5 and the control group was not treated.
This type of research uses quantitative research with a quasi experiment method . The research design uses matching only design , and data analysis uses t-test and ANOVA . Data retrieval process is done with a 30-meter run test for speed, Agility T test for agility and MFT ( Multistage Fitness Test ) for Vo2max during Pretest and Posttest
The results showed that the difference between the mean pretest and posttest of each group were: (a) Group I experiment I to speed 0, 57 seconds , to agility 0.52 seconds and to Vo2max 1.65 (b) Group II experiment for the speed of 0.41 seconds, agility 0, 47 seconds and for Vo2max 1.03 . (c) The control group is for -0.08 seconds, agility -0.15 seconds and for Vo2max -0.36 .
Based on the above analysis, it can be concluded that there is an influence of speed, agility and Vo2max for each of the experimental groups after being given a treatment seen from the results of the t - test . In addition there are differences in influence through the ANOVA test in the post hoc test , that there is a difference in influence on the agility variable between the experimental group High Intensity Interval Training ratio 1: 3 and High Intensity Interval Training ratio 1: 5 whereas in the speed and Vo2max variables there is no difference in influence which was significant between the experimental group's High Intensity Interval Training ratio of 1: 3 and the High Intensity Interval Training ratio of 1: 5.