Community Construction Regarding the Existence of BUMDES "Maju Makaryo" in Improving the Welfare of the Community of Ngale Village, Madiun Regency
Tujuan penelitian ini untuk menjelaskan kontruksi masyarakat, realitas obyektif, dan realitas subyekif tentang eksistensi BUMDes. Realitas subyektif masyarakat tentang BUMDes “Maju Makaryo”adalah BUMDes dianggap dapat membantu masyarakat, BUMDes dianggap hanya formalitas, dan Ketiadaan Pemberdayaan bagi masyarakat di BUMDes. Ketiadaan pemberdayaan bagi masyarakat adalah salah satu contoh kegagalan kinerja BUMDes yang disebabkan kurangnya modal bagi BUMDes. Untuk meningkatkan kinerja BUMDes diperlukan kontribusi pemerintah, dan masyarakat setempat. Metode penelitian yang digunakan adalah dengan pendekatan kualitatif dengan menggunakan metode Grounded Theory
The aim of this research is to explain the construction of society, objective reality and subjective reality regarding the existence of BUMDes. The subjective reality of the community regarding BUMDes "Maju Makaryo" is that BUMDes is considered to be able to help the community, BUMDes is considered just a formality, and there is no empowerment for the community in BUMDes. The lack of empowerment for the community is one example of the failure of BUMDes performance which is caused by a lack of capital for BUMDes. To improve the performance of BUMDes, contributions from the government and local communities are needed. The research method used is a qualitative approach using the Grounded Theory method