Penelitian ini bertujuan mengetahui tingkat Vo2Max atlet pencak silat di golden silat club. Populasi penelitian ini yang diambil adalah atlet yang pernah bertandingan pencak silat di tingkat kabupaten. Penelitian ini bersifat deskriptif, alasan memilih judul ini karena kebanyakan atlet ketika bertanding dalam babak ke 3 daya tahan menurun, sehingga atlit tidak bisa mempertahankan perfoma dan mudah untuk kehilangan poin. Untuk menilai daya tahan kardiorenspirasi yang paling efektif dengan cara mengukur kadar Vo2Max atau bisa disebut dengan jumlah konsumsi oksigen maksimal yang diperoleh. Vo2Max dapat diukur melalui berbagai metode seperti contoh multistage fitnes test. Dalam penelitian ini mengunakan instruman lari bolak-balik/bleep test dengan lintasan panjang = 20 meter dan lebar 1.5 meter. populasi penelitian ini berjumlah 15 atlet golden silat club yang di bagi menjadi 2 yaitu 8 putri dan 7 putra. Cara pengambilan sampel yakni dengan cara purposive sampling yaitu dengan penentuan atau kriteria-kriteria tertentu. Instrumen penelitian mengunakan daya tahan ( Vo2Max ) yang diukur dengan Bleep Test ( Multistage Fitness Test ). Berdasarkan hasil test Vo2Max yang dilakukan, di peroleh skor maksimum = 40,5 dan skor minimum = 29,1 di samping itu diperoleh rata- rata (mean) = 35,1 dan Median = 34.6. Dengan demikian berdasarkan penelitian hasil tentang kondisi fisik rata rata (mean) dan median tidak terlalu jauh dapat di simpulkan bahwa kemampuan Vo2Max atlet Golden Silat Club dari 15 sampel atlet masuk dalam kategori cukup.
This study aims to determine the Vo2Max level of pencak silat athletes at the golden silat club. The population of this study were athletes who had competed in pencak silat at the district level. This research is descriptive, the reason for choosing this title is because most athletes when competing in the 3rd round of endurance decreases, so athletes cannot maintain their performance and are easy to lose points. To assess the most effective cardiorespiratory endurance by measuring the level of Vo2Max or can be called the maximum amount of oxygen consumption obtained. Vo2Max can be measured through various methods such as the example of the multistage fitness test. In this study, the instrument used to run back and forth / bleep test with a long track = 20 meters and a width of 1.5 meters. The population of this study amounted to 15 golden silat club athletes who were divided into 2, namely 8 women and 7 sons. The sampling method is by purposive sampling, namely by determining or certain criteria. The research instrument uses endurance (Vo2Max) as measured by the Bleep Test (Multistage Fitness Test). Based on the results of the Vo2Max test carried out, the maximum score = 40.5 and the minimum score = 29.1 in addition, the average (mean) = 35.1 and Median = 34.6. Thus, based on the results of the research on the average physical condition (mean) and the median is not too far away, it can be concluded that the Vo2Max ability of the Golden Silat Club athletes from 15 samples of athletes is in the sufficient category.