Dalam penelitian rancang bangun sistem ujian online berbasis website dengan framework laravel ini memiliki tujuan yaitu (1) Mengetahui validasi kelayakan sistem ujian online berbasis website dengan framework Laravel. (2) Mengetahui respon siswa (user) dan guru terdadap sistem ujian online berbasis website dengan framework Laravel. Jenis penelitian yang dilakukan dalam penelitian ini menggunkanan penelitian berdasarakan model 4D yang memiliki tahap yaitu tahap pendefinisian (define), tahap perancangan (design), tahap pengembangan (develop), dan tahap penyebaran (disseminate). Penelitian ini menghasilkan produk berupa ujian online berbasis website dengan framework laravel untuk siswa kelas XI SMKN 2 Mojokerto. Subjek dalam penelitian ini adalah kelas XI DKV SMK Negeri 2 Kota Mojokerto sebanayak 31 siswa. Instrumen penelitian yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini menggunakan instrumen validasi dan angket respon dalam pengumpulan data penelitiannya. Instrumen validasi tersebut terdiri dari validasi media, validasi soal, dan validasi respon. Berdasarkan hasil kevalidan oleh keempat validator ahli pada pada validasi media diperoleh presentase sebesar 89%, serta soal mendapat presentase sebesar 94%, dan angket respon mendapat presentase sebesar 91% . Dengan ini, dapat dikategorikan bahwa media Rancang Bangun Sistem Ujian Online Berbasis Website Dengan Framework Laravel sangat valid dan dapat digunakan sebagai fasilitas media ujian online bagi siswa. Hasil respon siswa terhadap rancang bangun sistem ujian online berbasis website dengan framework laravel sebesar 80,76%. Hasil angket respon disimpulkan bahwa mendapat respon baik atau positif dari responden.
Kata Kunci : Sistem Ujian Online, Website, Laravel, Kevalidan, Hasil Respon
In the research design of a website-based online examination system with this laravel framework, the objectives are (1) Knowing the validity of the feasibility of a website-based online examination system with the Laravel framework. (2) Knowing the response of students (users) and teachers towards an online website-based examination system with Laravel framework. The type of research carried out in the research "Building a Website-Based Online Examination System with Laravel Framework" is a type of research based on the 4D model which has stages namely define, design, develop, and disseminate. This study produced a product in the form of a website-based online exam with a laravel framework for class XI students of SMKN 2 Mojokerto. The subjects in this study were class XI DKV of SMK Negeri 2 Kota Mojokerto as many as 31 students. The research instrument used in this study used instruments of validation and response questionnaires in the collection of research data. The instrument of validation consisted of media validation, question validation, and validation of responses. Based on the results of validity by the four expert validators on media validation, the percentage was 89%, and the questions got a percentage of 94%, and the questionnaire responses received a percentage of 91%. With this, it can be categorized that the Website Designing Online Test System Based on the Website with the Laravel Framework is very valid and can be used as an online media examination facility for students. The results of student responses to the design of a website-based online exam system with a laravel framework of 80.76%. The results of the response questionnaire concluded that they received a good or positive response from the respondents.
Keyword : Online, Website, Laravel, Validity, Test Results, Response System.