Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui hubungan antara optimisme dengan work engagement pada guru. Metode penelitian menggunakan pendekatan kuantitatif. Teknik pengambilan sampel penelitian menggunakan sampling jenuh berjumlah 87 guru. Pada penelitian ini ada 30 orang guru yang mengisi skala untuk uji coba, sementara itu ada 57 guru sebagai subyek penelitian. Pengambilan data pada penelitian ini menggunakan 2 macam skala yaitu skala optimisme dan skala work engagement. Analisis data penelitian menggunakan teknik pearson product moment melalui bantuan program software SPSS 24 for windows. Berdasarkan hasil analisa data menunjukkan terdapat hubungan antara optimisme dengan work engagement pada guru. Penghitungan hasil analisis data didapatkan nilai pearson correlation (r) sebesar 0,918 (r=0,918), hal tersebut menunjukkan ada hubungan antara optimisme dengan work engagement yang tergolong sangat kuat, serta didapatkan hasil yang menunjukkan nilai positif, artinya semakin tinggi optimisme, maka semakin tinggi pula work engagement. Demikian pula sebaliknya, bila semakin rendah optimisme, maka semakin rendah pula work engagement.
Kata Kunci: optimisme, work engagement, guru
This study aims to determine the relationship between optimism and work engagement on teachers. The research method used a quantitative approach. The research sampling technique used saturated sampling totaling 87 teachers. In this study, there were 30 teachers who filled out the scale for the trial, while there were 57 teachers as research subjects. Data collection in this study used 2 kinds of scales, namely the optimism scale and the work engagement scale. Analysis of research data using the Pearson product moment technique through the help of the SPSS 24 software program for windows. Based on the results of data analysis, it shows that there is a relationship between optimism and work engagement on teachers. Calculation of the results of data analysis obtained a Pearson correlation (r) value of 0.918 (r = 0.918), this shows that there is a relationship between optimism and work engagement which is classified as very strong, and the results show a positive value, meaning that the higher the optimism, the higher the also work engagement. Vice versa, the lower the optimism, the lower the work engagement.
Keywords: optimism, work engagement, teacher