“Moringa Oliveera”
Dimsum is a Chinese food made with ground chicken stuffed and added with coarsely chopped carrots on top. Dimsum with the addition of Moringa leaves is an engineered dimsum that is added with Moringa leaves in the processed ground beef and dimsum skin. This engineering aims to determine: 1) the level of preference of the panelists to the color, aroma, taste, texture, and overall suitability of dimsum with the addition of Moringa leaves. 2) The nutritional content of dimsum with the addition of Moringa leaves per 100g based on DKBM calculations. 3) Selling price per 100g (5bj) of dim sum with the addition of Moringa leaves. This engineering method uses the preference test method on panelists, to get maximum results three trials were carried out in the food processing laboratory of the Department of Family Welfare Education, Faculty of Engineering, UNESA. The data collection technique was carried out on 30 semi-trained panelists. The data analysis technique used is a descriptive technique with a percentage. Test the nutritional content with the calculation of DKBM which includes: energy, protein, fat, carbohydrates, calcium, phosphorus, iron, vit. A, vitamin B1, and vitamin C. The selling price calculation uses the conventional selling price fixing method. The results of the panelist's assessment of the level of preference for dimsum with the addition of Moringa leaves obtained results, color 83% said they liked it, 93% said they liked the aroma, 83% said they liked it, 80% said they liked texture, 90% of dimsum said they liked it. The nutritional content of dimsum products with the addition of Moringa leaves per 100g is Energy 51.32 kcal, Protein 3.04 g, Fat 1.15 g, Carbohydrates 8.18 g, Calcium 102.25 mg, Phosphorus 16.15 g, Iron 2, 09 mg, Vit.A 2607 SI, Vit.B1 0.04 mg, Vit.C 50.76 mg. Selling price per 100g (5 seeds) is Rp.12,500,-