Drama menggambarkan kisah perjalanan manusia dan berbagai peristiwa yang dialaminya berupa konfliks drama sejak lahir dan mati, kawin dan cerai, melakukan kejahatan dan hukuman serta perang dan damai (dalam Suroso, 2015: 10). Drama mempunyai keunikan dan keistimewaan sendiri karena drama merefleksikan kehidupan secara sempurna. Kehidupan dalam drama menggambarkan para tokoh merefleksikan perangai kehidupan persoalan beserta masyarakat beserta pemecahannya dalam satu jalan cerita. Oleh karena itu rumusan masalah dalam penelitian ini ialah 1) bagaimana penggambaran tokoh utama pada naskah drama der Besuch der alten Dame karya Friedrich Dürrenmatt dan 2) bagaimana motivasi tokoh Claire Zachanassian pada naskah drama der Besuch der alten Dame karya Friedrich Dürrenmatt. Adapun tujuan dalam penelitian ini yaitu 1) mendeskripsikan tokoh utama pada naskah drama der Besuch der alten Dame karya Friedrich Dürrenmatt dan 2) mendeskripsikan motivasi tokoh Claire Zachanassian pada naskah drama der Besuch der alten Dame karya Friedrich Dürrenmatt. Analisis karakter tokoh utama menggunakan teori Marquaβ, sedangkan penelitian motivasi menggunakan teori Atkinson. Penelitian ini menggunakan pendekatan deskriptif kualitatif. Hasil pembahasan penokohan dan motivasi tokoh utama yakni, melalui analisis karakter diketahui tokoh utama Claire Zachanassian dalam drama der Besuch der alten Dame, tokoh Claire dapat dianalisis melalui tiga segi yaitu, segi fisiologi, sosiologi, dan psikologis. Adapun hasil pembahasan motivasi berprestasi, diketahui tokoh Claire memenuhi ciri-ciri yang disebutkan oleh Atkinson sebagai individu dengan motivasi berprestasi yang tinggi.
Kata kunci: motivasi berprestasi, karakter, drama
The Drama depicts the story of the human journey and the various events that happened in the form of conflicting drama of birth and death, marriage and divorce, commit a crime and punishment and war and peace (in Suroso, 2015: 10). The Drama has a uniqueness and specialty of its own because of the drama reflects life perfectly. Life in the drama depicting the figures reflect the temper of life issues along with the community and their solutions in the way of the story. Therefore the formulation of the problem in this research is 1) how the depiction of the main character in the script of the play der Besuch der alten Dame by Friedrich Dürrenmatt and 2) how motivation figures of Claire Zachanassian in the script of the play der Besuch der alten Dame by Friedrich Dürrenmatt. The purpose of this study is 1) to describe the main character in the script of the play der Besuch der alten Dame by Friedrich Dürrenmatt and 2) describe the motivation of the figure of Claire Zachanassian in the script of the play der Besuch der alten Dame by Friedrich Dürrenmatt. Character analysis the main character using the theory of Marquaß, while the study of motivation using the theory of Atkinson. This research uses a qualitative descriptive approach. The results of the discussion of the characterizations and motivations of the main character which, through the analysis of the character known to the main character Claire Zachanassian in the drama der Besuch der alten Dame, the heroine of Claire can be analyzed through three aspects, namely, in terms of physiology, sociology, and psychological. The results of the discussion of achievement motivation, known figures Claire meets the characteristics mentioned by Atkinson as an individual with high achievement motivation.
Keywords: achievement motivation, character, drama