Pengembangan Modul ARLISA untuk Melatihkan Literasi Sains Peserta Didik SMA pada Materi Energi Terbarukan
Development of ARLISA Module to Teach Scientific Literacy of High School Students in Renewable Energy Materials
Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menghasilkan modul ARLISA untuk melatihkan literasi sains yang layak (valid, praktis, dan efektif). Penelitian ini merupakan jenis penelitian pengembangan yang menggunakan model ASSURE. Teknik pengumpulan data yang digunakan adalah validasi, angket, observasi, dan tes dengan subjek 17 peserta didik kelas X di SMAN 2 Sidoarjo. Validitas modul ditinjau dari aspek pembelajaran, materi, bahasa, dan media. Kepraktisan modul ditinjau dari keterlaksanaan dan kendala pembelajaran serta literasi sains peserta didik berbasis proses. Keefektifan modul ditinjau dari hasil peningkatan literasi sains peserta didik dan respon peserta didik. Semua aspek penilaian validitas, keterlaksanaan pembelajaran, literasi sains berbasis proses, serta respon peserta didik menggunakan skala Likert. Modul ARLISA dinyatakan layak apabila persentase semua kriteria kelayakan ≥ 61%. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan 1) persentase skor rata-rata validasi modul ARLISA sebesar 96,61% dengan kategori sangat valid; 2) persentase skor rata-rata keterlaksanaan pembelajaran sebesar 95,24% dengan kategori sangat praktis persentase skor rata-rata literasi sains peserta didik sebesar 72,19% dengan kategori baik; 3) hasil peningkatan literasis sains peserta didik berbasis tes memperoleh nilai n-gain rata-rata sebesar 0,37 dengan kategori sedang dan hasil respon peserta didik memperoleh persentase skor rata-rata sebesar 74,05% dengan kategori efektif.
This research aims to produce an ARLISA module to teach high school students' scientific literacy that is feasible (valid, practical, and effective). This research is development research that uses the ASSURE model. The data collection techniques used were validation, questionnaires, observation, and tests with 17 students of first year level at SMAN 2 Sidoarjo as subjects. The validity of the module is reviewed from the aspects of learning, material, language, and media. The practicality of the module is viewed from the implementation and learning constraints as well as process-based students' scientific literacy. The effectiveness of the module is seen from the results of increasing students' scientific literacy and students' responses. All aspects of validity assessment, learning implementation, process-based scientific literacy, and student responses use a Likert scale. The ARLISA module is declared feasible if the percentage of all eligibility criteria is ≥ 61%. The results showed 1) the percentage of the average score of the ARLISA module validation was 96.61% with a very valid category; 2) the percentage of the average score of learning implementation is 95.24% in the very practical category, the average percentage score of students' scientific literacy is 72.19% in the good category; 3) the results of increasing test-based scientific literacy of students obtained an average n-gain value of 0.37 in the moderate category and the results of student responses obtained an average percentage score of 74.05% in the effective category.