Arridho Ajitama, Abidin. 2024. Development of Android-Based Mobile Learning (Aku Hebat) to Improve Focus Ability and Fine Motor Skills for Children with Special Needs. Thesis, Educational Technology Study Program, Faculty of Education, Universitas Negeri Surabaya. Advisors: (1) Prof. Dr. Yatim Riyanto, M.Pd. and (II) Dr. H. Andi Mariono, M.Pd.
Keywords : Mobile Learning, Children with Special Needs, Focus Ability, Fine Motor Skills.
This study aims to (1) Develop an Android-based mobile learning media (Aku Hebat) that is suitable for children with special needs to improve their focus ability and fine motor skills. (2) Develop an Android-based mobile learning media (Aku Hebat) that is effective in improving the focus ability of children with special needs. (3) Develop an Android-based mobile learning media (Aku Hebat) that is effective in improving fine motor skills.
The research was conducted at the Yayasan Peduli Cerebral Palsy Surabaya with subjects consisting of five children with special needs (autism). This study is a developmental research using the ADDIE model. The indicators of focus ability for children with special needs include six indicators: focused attention, enthusiasm for learning, calmness during learning, expressing ideas, active participation in the learning process, and good comprehension during lessons. Meanwhile, the indicators for fine motor skills include four indicators: the use of hands and fingers, eye-hand coordination, independence in daily activities, and manipulation of small objects. The results of this study were calculated using N-Gain and then analyzed using t-test.
The hypothesis testing results of this study are: (1) The Android-based mobile learning (Aku Hebat) is suitable for improving focus ability and fine motor skills for children with special needs. (2) The Android-based mobile learning (Aku Hebat) is effective in improving the focus ability of children with special needs at the Yayasan Peduli Cerebral Palsy Surabaya. (3) The Android-based mobile learning (Aku Hebat) is effective in improving fine motor skills at the Yayasan Peduli Cerebral Palsy Surabaya. It is recommended for therapists to use the Android-based mobile learning (Aku Hebat) as a learning resource to enhance the focus ability and fine motor skills of children with special needs at the Yayasan Peduli Cerebral Palsy Surabaya.