Analisis Kinerja Rumah Sakit Dengan Pendekatan Balanced Scorecard Studi Kasus Pada RSI Surabaya
Hospital Performance Analysis Using the Balanced Scorecard Approach Case Study at RSI Surabaya
Pada tahun 2020, di Indonesia telah teridentifikasi adanya wabah Covid-19. Hal tersebut menyebabkan angka penularan yang semakin tinggi. Oleh sebab itu masyarakat semakin teliti dalam memilih fasilitas kesehatan. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengukur kinerja RSI Surabaya dengan pendekatan balanced scorecard. Pendekatan balanced scorecard terdiri dari prespektif, keuangan, pelanggan, proses bisnis internal, serta pertumbuhan dan pembelajaran. Penelitian dilaksanakan dengan metode kualitatif deskriptif. Metode pengumpulan data primer dilakukan dengan wawancara pada seksi SDM, unit rekam medis, dan bagian keperawatan. Data sekunder yang dipakai dalam penelitian ini adalah data serta informasi dari web, jurnal, buku dan dokumen yang bertautan dengan pengukuran kinerja rumah sakit, berupa laporan keuangan dan data perawatan pasien. Hasil penelitian dapat disimpulkan berdasarkan prespektif keuangan dinilai baik kecuali rasio likuiditas. Prespektif pelanggan dinilai baik. Prespektif proses bisnis internal dinilai baik semua kecuali parameter BTO. Prespektif pertumbuhan dan pembelajaran dinilai baik.
In 2020, Indonesia has identified a Covid-19 outbreak. This causes the transmission rate to be higher. Therefore, people are increasingly careful in choosing health facilities. This study aims to measure the performance of RSI Surabaya with a balanced scorecard approach. The balanced scorecard approach consists of perspectives, finance, customers, internal business processes, as well as growth and learning. The research was carried out with descriptive qualitative methods. The primary data collection method was conducted by interviewing the HR section, the medical record unit, and the nursing section. Secondary data used in this study is data and information from the web, journals, books and documents related to hospital performance measurement, in the form of financial reports and patient care data. The results of the study can be concluded from a financial perspective, it is considered good except for the liquidity ratio. Customer perspective is considered good. The internal business process perspective is considered good, all except the BTO parameter. Growth and learning perspectives are considered good.