The Relationship Between Celebrity Worship and Consumptive Behavior in the JKT48 Fans Community Zeemotion
Easy access to information empowers the consumer-perilous population, including JKT48 Fans. Consumer misbehavior among JKT48 fans is a result of their love of JKT48. This particular conceit is a form of celebrity worship practiced by JKT48 fans. This research aims to find out the relationship between celebrity worship and consumer behavior. This research uses a quantitative approach using correlational analysis. The data collection technique used is convenience sampling, with the criteria of JKT48 fans who like Zee JKT48, join the Zeemotion community, have purchased the same JKT 48 product several times repeatedly, and have followed the JKT-48 event several times. The research subject comprises 181 members of the zeemotion community. Data analysis using pearson product moment correlation with the help of SPSS 26 for windows software, which obtained the result of a positive and significant relationship between celebrity worship and consumer behavior with a significance value of 0,000 (p<0,05). We also obtained a correlation coefficient value of 0.665 where the result belongs to the strong and directional category. The study found a positive and significant link between celebrity worship and consumer behavior.