Analisis Tingkat Pencemaran Sungai Akibat Limbah Industri Ikan Di Muncar Kabupaten Banyuwangi
Analysis of River Pollution Levels Due to Fish Industry Waste in Muncar, Banyuwangi Regency
Sungai Kalimati di Kecamatan Muncar Banyuwangi menjadi tempat pembuangan limbah hasil pengelolahan perikanan. Hasil survey dan wawancara warga setempat pada tanggal 30 Maret 2021 menyatakan sungai kalimati menimbulkan bau yang menyengat serta menyebabkan terjadinya kematian ikan dan amfibi. Kematian organisme secara tidak langsung membuat industri tersebut telah merusak ekosistem laut sehingga mata pencaharian utama nelayan disana akan ikut merasakan dampaknya. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui kandungan pH, TSS, BOD dan COD kualitas air Sungai Kalimati di Muncar.
Penelitian ini menggunakan metode deskriptif kuantitatif yang berlokasi di aliran Sungai Kalimati Kecamatan Muncar Kabupaten Banyuwangi. Populasi yang digunakan yaitu Sungai Kalimati di Kecamatan Muncar serta Teknik purposive samplingyang digunakan untuk pengambilan sampel air bedasarkan pada kriteria jarak dan sumber polutan. Selanjutnya uji laboratorium dilakukan untuk mengetahui kadar pH, TSS, BOD dan COD. Teknik analisis data menggunakan perbandingan hasil uji lab dengan Peraturan Menteri Lingkungan Hidup Nomor 5 Tahun 2014 tentang baku mutu limbah cair hasil pengelolaan perikanan secara deskriptif.
Hasil penelitian dapat temukan pada titik A1 yang pengambilan sampel 200 meter sebelum titik pembuangan, kandungan pH, TSS, COD dan BOD tidak melampaui ambang batas baku mutu kemudian titik B1 0 meter dari outlet pembuangan limbah, titik B2 400 meter dari outlet pembuangan limbah dan titik C1 900 tidak terdapat lagi outlet pembuangan limbah cair industri ikan telah mengalami pencemaran yaitu titik outlet pembungan dan sesudah pembungan. Tingginya pencemaran ditandai dengan tingginya kandungan BOD dan COD, pH dan TSS.
Kata Kunci : Kualitas Air, Limbah industri ikan
The Kalimati River in Muncar District, Banyuwangi, is a place for waste disposal resulting from fisheries management. The results of a preliminary survey in the field showed that the Kalimati River caused a pungent odor and the death of fish and amphibians. The death of the organism indirectly makes the industry have damaged the ecosystem so that the main livelihoods of fishermen there will also feel the impact. This study aims to determine the content of pH, TSS, BOD and COD of the Kalimati River water quality in Muncar.
This type of research is descriptive quantitative. The location of the study was carried out in the Muncar River, Muncar District, Banyuwangi Regency. The population in this study is the Kalimati River in Muncar District as a place for fish industry waste disposal. The water sampling technique uses purposive sampling and the selection of sample locations is based on the criteria for distance and pollutant sources. Furthermore, laboratory tests were carried out to determine the levels of pH, TSS, BOD and COD. The data analysis technique uses a comparison of lab test results with the Minister of Environment Regulation Number 5 of 2014 concerning the quality standard of liquid waste from fishery management descriptively.
The results showed that it was found at point A1 where sampling was 200 meters before the discharge point, the content of pH, TSS, COD and BOD did not exceed the quality standard threshold, then point B1 was 0 meters from the waste disposal outlet, point B2 was 400 meters from the waste disposal outlet. and point C1 900 there are no more outlets for the disposal of liquid waste, the fish industry has experienced pollution, namely the discharge outlet point and after disposal. The high pollution is indicated by the high content of BOD and COD, pH and TSS.
Keywords: Water Quality, Fish industry waste