L F. 2019. The Development of Sensory Integration Audio Visual Media as the Approach
in Behaviour Modification to Reduce (Minimalize) Temper Tantrum Behaviour in
Autism Children at Autism SLB (Special School) Harapan
Bunda - Surabaya .
T hesis . Special Education
Department ,
Graduates School . Universitas Negeri Surabaya. Advisor :
(1) Dr. Asri Wijiastuti, M.Pd dan (2) Prof. Dr. Siti Masitoh, M.Pd
K eywords : Temper Tantrum ,
Behaviour Modification, Sensory Integration, Audio Visual Media .
Temper tantrum is
a form of behavior d isorder in the form of
excessive unnatural and unplanned anger which occurs suddenly. E xpressions of anger are followed by explosive physical or verbal actions,
gibbering, as a result of accumulated confusion, and difficulty in communicating the confusion. This has a quite serious
impact, that is, the learning process becomes hampered. It is good for the
child himself who often gets undue treatment often, the more often excluded
because he often makes trouble, t hus classroom situation becomes
uncomfortable for other children. So that it requires a special approach in
learning that is different, easy and fun, so that they can still learn because
however the condition of an autism child with tantrum temper also has the right
to get the same learning with other children.
Audio v isual media is a way of learning for autism children
with tantrum temper cases. The purpose of making audio visual media is to
provide a reference for teachers / therapists in learning in an easy and fun
way. There are elements of s ensory i ntegration as the content of the material in the media,
as an approach in temper t antrum behavior modification to be
more controlled and reduced so that the learning process can be continue d . The development of audio visual
media use d the research method of Borg and Gall (2003) with seven steps of development
to produce learning media which was in accordance with
the characteristics of autism children who are visual learners who have been
modified by the stages of effectiveness testing us ed SSR (Single Subject Research). Data collection
techniques used in the form of assessment instruments to obtain validation
data, observations to obtain data on children's abilities during learning
activities, and teacher responses to s ensory i ntegration audio visual media. Moreover, d ata analysis techniques use d quantitative descriptions.
The results showed
that after giving eight treatments to autism children, initially showing
tantrum temper behavior with a high enough frequency of 5-6 times with a
duration of 4-5 minutes, being reduced (minimized) with a frequency of 3-4
times with a duration of 1-2 minutes. In addition, this media can increase the
learning motivation of autism children. This can be seen from the teacher's
assessment of the use of this media which is at 2.7. Thus it
can be concluded that the sensory integration audio visual media is effective
and feasible to be used as a medium of learning by teachers / therapists in
learning process at SLB Harapan