Lukmantoro, Dhanu. 2024. School Principal Leadership
in Strengthening Character Education in the Digital Literacy Era (Multi
Case Study at SMK Negeri 1 Buduran and SMA Negeri 3 Sidoarjo). Dissertation,
Doctoral Study Program in Educational Management. Surabaya State University
Postgraduate. Supervisor: (1) Prof. Dr. H. Haris Suparno, MM. and (II) Dr.
Mudjito, Ak, M.Si.
Principal Leadership, Character Education, Digital Literacy
This research
aims to analyze the Leadership of School Principals in Strengthening Character
Education in the Digital Literacy Era with a Multi Case Study at SMK Negeri 1
Buduran and SMA Negeri 3 Sidoarjo. The implementation of the principal's
leadership is reviewed from 4 (four) main focuses, namely the character
education curriculum, the principal's leadership in strengthening character
education, the environment, the impact of implementing strengthening character
education in finding recommended models for strengthening character education in
the digital literacy era at SMK Negeri 1 Buduran and SMA Negeri 3 Sidoarjo.
This research
uses a qualitative design. The research locations were at SMK Negeri 1 Buduran
and SMA Negeri 3 Sidoarjo. Research data was collected through in-depth
interviews, direct observation and documentation/notes. Research data from the
principals of SMK Negeri 1 Buduran and SMA Negeri 3 Sidoarjo. The research data
was then analyzed in depth through triangulation, data display and drawing
conclusions for each research focus.
The research results show that: 1)
Strengthening character education at SMK Negeri 1 Buduran and SMA Negeri 3
Sidoarjo has succeeded in creating a holistic educational paradigm by
integrating digital ethical values, online responsibility and cyber security in
the curriculum. 2) The Head's leadership strategy at SMK Negeri 1 Buduran and
SMA Negeri 3 Sidoarjo focuses on proactive commitment in integrating character
values into the curriculum, forming special teams, promoting a school culture
that is wise in using technology, and involving relevant stakeholders. 3) The
environment for strengthening character education in both schools creates
effective collaboration with key elements in education, through integration in
the curriculum, innovative learning, intra and extra character development,
supportive school culture and environment, as well as exemplary school
community. 4) The implementation of strengthening character education in the
digital literacy era at SMK Negeri 1 Buduran and SMA Negeri 3 Sidoarjo has had
a positive impact, including increasing student awareness of digital ethics,
changes in school culture that respects character values, and increased
academic results.