Mysticism in the Novel Janur Ireng by Simpleman (Niels Mulder Javanese Mysticism Study)
Kata kunci: mistisisme, motif, praktik, dan eksistensi.
Penelitian ini mendeskripsikan tentang mistisisme dalam novel Janur Ireng karya Simpleman dengan menggunakan teori mistisisme Niels Mulder. Mistisisme dalam penelitian ini akan ditinjau berdasarkan motif, praktik, dan eksistensi mistisisme. Penelitian tersebut dilatar belakangi oleh fenomena mistisisme di masyarakat Jawa yang direpresentasikan dalam novel Janur Ireng karya Simpleman. Fenomena tersebut berupa praktik ilmu hitam, santet, dan sihir. Tujuan penelitian ini ialah untuk mendeskripsikan (a) motif mistisisme, (b) praktik mistisisme, dan (c) eksistensi mistisisme yang ada dalam novel Janur Ireng karya Simpleman. Pendekatan yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini ialah pendekatan antropologi sastra. Hasil dari penelitian ini, yaitu (a) adanya dua motif mistisisime yaitu, motif positif dan egoistis. Motif positif berupa mencegah terjadinya malapetaka dan memperkaya diri. Motif egosistis berupa balas dendam dan pesugihan. (b) praktik mistisisme pada tingkatan sarengat, tarekat, hakekat, dan makripat. Tingkatan sarengat berupa mempercayai kekuatan benda dan dukun. Tingkatan tarekat berupa perapalan mantra atau doa. Tingkatan hakekat berupa ritual persembahan dan tapa. Tingkatan makripat berupa samadi, (c) adanya eksistensi mistisisme berdasarkan aspek material, spiritual, dan moral. Aspek moral dibuktikan dengan keberadaan bahan ritual, tempat keramat, dan alat santet. Aspek sprirtual dibuktikan dengan keberadaan ragasukma dan wangsit. Aspek moral dibuktikan dengan pemertahanan tradisi yang masih mengandung mistisisme.
Keywords: mysticism, motive, practice, dan existence.
This study describes mysticism in Simpleman's novel Janur Ireng by using Niels Mulder's theory of mysticism. Mystical science in this study will be reviewed based on the motives, practices, and existence of mysticism. This research is motivated by the phenomenon of Javanese mysticism which is represented in Simpleman's novel Janur Ireng. This phenomenon is in the form of black magic, witchcraft, and sorcery. The purpose of this research is to describe (a) the motives of mysticism, (b) the practice of mysticism, and (c) the existence of mysticism in Simpleman's novel Janur Ireng. The approach used in this study is a literary anthropological approach. The results of this study are (a) there are two motives for mysticism, namely positive motives and egoistic motives. Positive motives include disaster prevention and self-enrichment. Egoistic motives are revenge and reward. (b) the practice of mysticism at the levels of sarengat, tarekat, hakekat, and makripat. The level of sarengat is belief in objects with mystical power and shamans. The level of the tarekat is in the form of chanting mantras or prayers. The level of hakekat is in the form of offerings and asceticism. The level of makripat is in the form of samadi, (c) the existence of mysticism based on material, spiritual and moral aspects. The moral aspect is evidenced by the existence of ritual materials, sacred places, and tools of witchcraft. The spiritual aspect is evidenced by the existence of ragasukma and wangsit. The moral aspect is proven by the maintenance of traditions with mysticism.