Perkembangan teknologi komunikasi dan informasi memberikan dampak yang besar terhadap berbagai aspek kehidupan, salah satunya pada aspek pendidikan kaitannya dalam mengatasi permasalahan yang sifatnya kompleks. Peneliti menemukan salah satu masalah belajar yang dialami oleh siswa terkait sulitnya menghafal surat-surat pendek dalam Al-Qur’an. Padahal menghafal Al-Qur’an terlebih dalam skala kecil menghafal surat-surat pendek sangatlah penting utamanya untuk dapat diterapkan pada kegiatan penegakan syariat islam dalam hal ibadah, salah satunya sholat. Oleh karenanya peneliti menghadirkan media belajar berbasis android berjenis game edukasi guna memberikan kemudahan terhadap siswa untuk menghafal surat-surat pendek dalam Al-Qur’an, yang selanjutnya dinamai dengan “Al Qur’an Ratsel Bambini”. Tujuan dari penelitian ini yaitu; mengembangkan game edukasi “Al Qur’an Ratsel Bambini”, mendeskripsikan tingkat kelayakan, serta menjelaskan efektivitas dari penggunaan game edukasi “Al Qur’an Ratsel Bambini”.
Pada prosesnya, peneliti menggunakan model penelitian pengembangan Borg & Gall versi Sugiyono yang selanjutnya peneliti modifikasi menjadi 9 tahapan antara lain; Potensi dan Masalah, Pengumpulan Data, Desain Produk, Validasi Desain, Revisi Desain, Uji Coba Produk, Revisi Produk, Uji Coba Pemakaian, dan Revisi Produk. Pada penelitian ini penentuan tingkat kelayakan dilakukan melalui validasi uji kelayakan oleh ahli materi, ahli media maupun kuisioner subjek penelitian dalam hal ini siswa kelas V yang berjumlah 30 orang siswa.
Hasil penelitian menunjukkan setelah dilakukan uji kelayakan materi, diperoleh persentase kelayakan sebesar 100 % (sangat layak), uji kelayakan media diperoleh hasil persentase kelayakan sebesar 84,61 % (sangat layak), serta dari kuisioner respon siswa diperoleh persentase kelayakan sebesar 91,6 % (sangat layak). Selain itu, dilakukan juga uji efektivitas melalui pemberian pretest dan posttest dengan hasil rata-rata perolehan nilai pretest siswa adalah 69,53 dan rata-rata perolehan nilai posttest siswa adalah 79,61. Berdasarkan hasil perhitungan yang dilakukan terkait signifikansi menggunakan taraf signifikansi 5% diperoleh hasil bahwa besar t Hitung = 7,19 dan besar t Tabel = 2,04523. Dari hasil tersebut dapat diketahui bahwa t Hitung > t Tabel. Oleh karenanya, dapat disimpulkan bahwa game edukasi “Al Qur’an Ratsel Bambini” sangat layak untuk digunakan sebagai media belajar serta telah teruji dapat meningkatkan hasil belajar secara signifikan.
Kata kunci: Pengembangan, Al Qur’an Ratsel Bambini, Game Edukasi, Hafalan Surat Pendek
The development of communication and information technology has a great impact on various aspects of life, one of which is on the aspect of education related to complex problems. Researchers found that one of the problems of learning experienced by students is related to the difficulty of memorizing the short surah in the Qur'an. In fact memorizing the Qur'an on a small scale memorize the short surah is very important to be applied to the activities of Islamic law enforcement in terms of worship, one of them prayers. Therefore, researchers present the learning media based on android educational games to provide an easy media for students to memorize the short surah in the Qur'an named "Al Qur'an Ratsel Bambini". The purpose of this study was; to develop an educational game “Al Qur'an Ratsel Bambini”, describe the level of feasibility, and explain the effectiveness of the use of educational game “Al Qur'an Ratsel Bambini”.
In the process, researchers use the Borg & Gall Development Research model Sugiyono's version which the researcher modified into 9 stages, among others; Potential and problems, Data collection, product design, design validation, design revision, product trial, product revision, usage testing, and product revision. In this study, determination of feasibility level was conducted through validation of feasibility test by material expert, media expert or research subject questionnaire in this class V with 30 students.
The results showed after the material feasibility test was obtained, received a feasibility percentage of 100% (very decent), the media feasibility test was obtained by a percentage of feasibility of 84.61% (very decent), as well as from the student response questionnaire The feasibility percentage of 91.6% (very decent). In addition, there is also a test of effectiveness through the introduction of Pretests and posttest with the average result of turnover students pretests value is 69.53 and the average turnover of posttest students is 79.61. Based on the results of calculations made related to the significance using a significance level of 5% obtained results that large t Count = 7.19 and large t Table = 2.04523. From these results can be known that T count > T table. Therefore, it can be concluded that the educational game "Al Qur'an Ratsel Bambini" is very worthy to be used as a learning media and has been tested to improve the learning outcomes significantly.
Keywords: Develpoment, Al-Qur'an Ratsel Bambini, Educational Games, Memorization of Short Surah.