Kusumo, Nanda. P. 2023. Pengaruh
Penerapan Metode Pembelajaran Sosiodrama terhadap Motivasi belajar, Pemahaman
dan Perilaku Kewarganegaraan Digital Siswa Pada Mapel PKn Materi Pancasila
Kelas 9 di SMPN 21 Panceng Gresik. Thesis, Educational Technology Study Program,
Faculty of Science Education, Surabaya State University. Supervisor: (1) Prof.
Dr. Rusijono, M.Pd. dan (II) Dr. Lamijan Hadi Susarno, M.Pd.
Keywords: Sociodrama Learning Methods, Learning Motivation,
Understanding, Digital Citizenship Behavior.
purpose of this research is to show the influence of sociodrama learning
methods on increasing students' learning motivation, comprehension and digital
citizenship behavior. This research was conducted at SMPN 21 Panceng, Gresik
Regency, East Java Province. The background to this research is the reduced
motivation to learn about Pancasila material, which has an impact on students'
understanding and implementation of Pancasila values. Pancasila is the basic
ideology of the state which must be known and implemented by Indonesian
citizens in particular.
research is quantitative research with quasi-experimental design through
control classes and experimental classes. The subjects in this study totaled 60
students who were divided into 2 classes using a saturated sampling technique.
To obtain data on learning motivation, intrinsic and extrinsic motivation
assessment instruments were used and adapted to the needs of research that
referred to existing theories. For understanding data, an instrument is used
that refers to the theory of the practice of Pancasila values. Then, in
obtaining data on digital citizenship behavior, Jones &
Mitchell's instrument was adopted.
Based on the research results, it
was obtained that the results of the t test on the post-test learning
motivation for the experimental class and control class showed that it was
2.183, which means it was greater than 2.002, so h0 was rejected and h1 was
accepted. Based on the t test results obtained in the post-test of digital
citizenship behavior in the experimental class and control class, namely 1.002
< 2.002, then in decision making it can be said that h0 is accepted and h1
is rejected. And for the Wilcoxon test, the value obtained in the post-test for
the experimental class and control class is a sig value of 0.023 according to
decision making in the Wilcoxon test. If the significance value shows <5%,
the hypothesis can be accepted. The conclusion of this research is that there
is an influence of the application of the sociodrama learning method on
learning motivation and understanding but it has no effect on students' digital
citizenship behavior in the 9th grade Civics material on Pancasila at SMPN 21
Panceng Gresik. With the finding that the sociodrama learning method has no
effect on increasing digital citizenship behavior in the Pancasila civics
material at the school, follow-up can be carried out to prove this with
different methods, models, learning approaches and schools.