TulisaninibertujuanuntukmengetahuipelaksanaanfungsiBadanPermusyawaratan Desa (BPD) dan faktor-faktor yang menghambat pelaksanaanfungsi Badan Permusyawaratan Desa dalam penyelenggaraan Pemerintahan Desadi Desa Betet, Kecamatan Kepohbaru, Kabupaten Kepohbaru. Tipe penelitianyangdigunakanadalahtipepenelitiandeskriptifdenganmenggunakanteknikpengumpulan data studi kepustakaan dengan membaca buku, dokumen-dokumen,undang-undang dan media informasi lain yang ada hubungannya dengan masalahyang diteliti, dan observasi yaitu mengamati secara langsung objek yang di telitisertainterviewdanwawancaramendalamdenganmenggunakanpedomanwawancara.
Darihasilanalisisdata,dapatdisimpulkanbahwafungsiBadanPermusyawaratanDesa(BPD)yaitumembahasdanmenyepakatiRancanganPeraturan Desa, menampung aspirasi masyarakat, serta melakukan pengawasankinerjaKepalaDesa.Berdasarkanhasilpenelitianmenunjukanbahwafungsidalam pembuatan regulasi lebih terlaksana dan terealisasi, berbeda dengan fungsidalammenampungaspirasimasyarakatdanmelakukanpengawasankinerjaKepala Desa yang belum maksimal dalam pelaksanaannya dikarenakan kurangnyapemahaman anggota BPD terhadap tugas dan fungsinya berdasarkan peraturanyangberlaku.
This paper aims to determine the implementation of the function ofVillage Consultative Board (BPD) and the factors that impede the implementationof the function of Village Consultative Board in the implementation of VillageGovernment in Gentung Village, Kepohbaru Sub-district, Kepohbaru District. Thetype of research used is descriptive research type by using the data collectiontechniqueofliteraturestudybyreadingbooks,documents,lawsandotherinformation media that have something to do with the problems studied, andobservation that is directly observe the object in carefully and interview And in-depthinterviews usinginterviewguidelines.
From the data analysis, it can be concluded that the function of VillageConsultative Board (BPD) is to discuss and agree on the Village Rule Design, toaccommodate the aspirations of the community, and to supervise the performanceof the Village Head. Based on the results of research show that the function inmaking the regulation more implemented and realized, in contrast to the functioninaccommodatingtheaspirationsofthecommunityandsupervisetheperformance of Village Head that has not been maximized in its implementationdue to lack of understanding of members of the BPD to its duties and functionsbasedon applicableregulations.