Pengaruh Penambahan Enzim Papain dan Enzim Bromelin terhadap Hidrolisat Protein dari Ampas Kelapa
Effect of Papain and Bromelain Enzymes Addition on Protein Hydrolysates from Coconut Dregs
Limbah ampas kelapa berpotensi dijadikan hidrolisat protein dengan penambahan enzim papain dan enzim bromelin. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis pengaruh penambahan konsentrasi enzim dan lama waktu hidrolisis terhadap hidrolisat protein ampas kelapa. Parameter yang diamati yaitu rendemen, kadar protein, dan derajat hidrolisis. Pada penambahan konsentrasi enzim digunakan variasi 1, 3, 5, 6, dan 7% (b/v) yang dihidrolisis selama 240 menit. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa penambahan konsentrasi enzim terbaik pada penambahan enzim papain konsentrasi 7% dengan hasil rendemen 24,70% ,kadar protein 0,03450 mg/mL, dan derajat hidrolisis 48,04%. Hasil tersebut lebih besar dibandingkan penambahan enzim bromelin konsentrasi 7% dengan hasil rendemen 18,46%, kadar protein 0,03067 mg/mL, dan derajat hidrolisis 42,30%. Pada variasi lama waktu hidrolisis yaitu 150, 180, 210, 240, dan 270 menit dengan konsentasi enzim 7% tiap masing-masing enzimnya. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa lama waktu hidrolisis terbaik adalah 270 menit pada penambahan enzim papain dengan hasil rendemen 23,44%, kadar protein 0,03550 mg/mL, dan derajat hidrolisis 65,36%. Hasil tersebut lebih besar dibandingkan lama waktu hidrolisis 270 menit pada penambahan enzim bromelin dengan hasil rendemen 17,06%, kadar protein 0,03360 mg/mL, dan derajat hidrolisis 50,20%. Pada penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa hidrolisat protein dengan penambahan enzim papain memiliki hasil lebih baik dibandingkan penambahan enzim bromelin.
Kata Kunci : Ampas kelapa, Enzim Papain, Enzim Bromelin, Hidrolisat protein
Coconut dregs waste has the potential to be used as protein hydrolysate with the addition of papain enzyme and bromelain enzyme. This study to analyze the effect of adding enzyme concentration and hydrolysis time on coconut dreg protein hydrolysate. The parameters observed were yield, protein content, and degree of hydrolysis. In the addition of enzyme concentration, variations of 1, 3, 5, 6, and 7% (b/v) were used and hydrolyzed for 240 minutes. The results showed that the addition of the best enzyme concentration in the addition of papain enzyme concentration of 7% with a yield of 24.70%, protein content of 0.03450 mg/mL, and the degree of hydrolysis of 48.04%. These results were greater than the addition of bromelain enzyme concentration of 7% with a yield of 18.46%, protein content of 0.03067 mg/mL, and degree of hydrolysis of 42.30%. The variation of hydrolysis time was 150, 180, 210, 240, and 270 minutes with 7% enzyme concentration for each enzyme. The results showed that the best hydrolysis time was 270 minutes in the addition of papain enzyme with a yield of 23.44%, protein content of 0.03550 mg/mL, and degree of hydrolysis of 65.36%. These results were greater than the length of hydrolysis time of 270 minutes in the addition of bromelain enzyme with a yield of 17.06%, protein content of 0.03360 mg/mL, and degree of hydrolysis of 50.20%. This study shows that protein hydrolysate with the addition of papain enzyme has better results than the addition of bromelain enzyme.
Keywords : Coconut dreg, Papain enzyme, Bromelain enzyme, Hydrolysate Protein