2019. Learning
Model Identification of Problems, Collecting Data, Analyze Problems Solving,
Reflection and Follow-up (ICAR) to Teach Ability of High School Physics Problem
Solving. Seminar Paper on Results, Doctoral Studies Program in Science
Education, Postgraduate, Surabaya State University. Promoter: Prof. Dr. Budi Jatmiko,
M.Pd., and Prof. Dr. Endang Susantini, M.Pd.
Keywords: ICAR Models, physics problem
solving abilities, validity, practicality, effectiveness.
This study aims to
produce an ICAR model and its supporting devices that are valid, practical, and
effective to teach the physics problem solving abilities of high school
students. The development of the research model uses the design of Research and
Development using three stages, namely preliminary studies, model development
and model testing. Before the ICAR model and supporting devices were tested
expert validations were conducted in the Group Discussion Forum activities. A
limited trial was conducted on thirty-first grade C students majoring in natural
sciences as many as thirty students. Extensive trials were conducted on twelfth
grade students majoring in natural sciences as many as two classes with a total
of sixty-five students in schools with accreditation A and sixty-seven students
at schools with accreditation B. Limited trials and extensive trials using
one-group pre-test and post-test design. Data collection using the method of
observation, tests, interviews, documentation and questionnaires. Data analysis
used descriptive-qualitative and qualitative statistics to determine the
validity of the model, the feasibility of the model, student responses and
inferential statistical tests to determine the significance of improving
problem solving abilities with the help of SPSS for windows 18. The results
showed: 1) The ICAR model developed was included in the category valid as
indicated by: (a) The mean of the results of the assessment of the content
validity of the validator 3,35 is very valid. (b) Average results of the
assessment of the construct validity of the validator 3,45 categories are very
valid and (c) Average results of the assessment of the syllabus 3,24 categories
are valid, learning implementation plans 3,45 categories are very valid, student
teaching materials 3,36 categories are very valid, the student worksheet 3,54
categories are very valid, and the assessment instrument sheet 3,21 categories
are valid. 2) The ICAR model that was developed included in the practical
category is shown by: (a) The average implementation phase of learning activities
and the ICAR model phase 3,34 are very good categories and (b) The average
activity of students is 91,21 active categories. 3) The ICAR model developed
was effective, reviewed by: (a) There was a statistically significant increase
in the physics problem solving ability of high school students at α = 0,05; (b)
The mean n-gain for schools that are accredited A = 0,705 with a high category
and for schools with an accreditation B = 0,715 with a high category; (c) The
mean n-gain did not differ significantly in the two schools in each of the
schools accredited A and schools accredited B and d) Student responses to the
learning model ICAR 88,51 were positive categories. It can be concluded that
the ICAR model developed is valid, practical and effective to improve the
physics problem solving abilities of high school students.