Kemelimpahan dan Food Safety Bivalvia Edible di Pantai Kecamatan Sreseh, Madura
Abundance and Food Safety of Bivalvia in Sreseh District Beach, Madura
Bivalvia merupakan salah satu sumber daya perikanan potensial bagi masyarakat di Kecamatan Sreseh karena keberadaannya melimpah sehingga bivalvia sering dikonsumsi oleh masyarakat. Tujuan penelitian ini untuk menganalisis kemelimpahan dan keamanan pangan (food safety) bivalvia yang terdapat di Pantai Kecamatan Sreseh, Sampang Madura. Keamanan pangan ditinjau berdasarkan kandungan logam berat Pb dan Cd. Sampel diambil dari zona intertidal Pantai Kecamatan Sreseh, Sampang Madura, menggunakan metode Line Transect, meliputi dua stasiun, 30 transek dan 270 plot. Identifikasi pada sampel berdasarkan karakter morfologi. Uji logam berat Pb dan Cd menggunakan metode Spectrophotometry. Kemelimpahan bivalvia dikaji berdasarkan indeks kemelimpahan relatif. Kandungan logam berat Pb dan Cd dianalisis secara deskriptif. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa di zona intertidal Pantai Kecamatan Sreseh ditemukan 21 spesies bivalvia terdiri atas sembilan famili yaitu Veneridae, Pinnidae, Ostreidae, Isognomonidae, Arcidae, Pharidae, Semelidae, Placunidae, Mytilidae. Bivalvia paling dominan di Pantai Kecamatan Sreseh adalah Gafrarium pectinatum dengan nilai kelimpahan relatif (KR%) sebesar 49,66. Kadar logam berat Pb dalam daging Gafrarium pectinatum sebesar 0,686 ± 0,017 mg/kg, sedangkan untuk kadar logam berat Cd dalam daging Gafrarium pectinatum sebesar 0,091 ± 0,0004 mg/kg. Gafrarium pectinatum aman dikonsumsi karena nilai keamanan pangannya ditinjau dari kadar logam berat Pb dan Cd masih di bawah standar SNI No. 3460.1-2009.
Bivalve is one of the potential fishery resources for the community in Sreseh subdistrict because of its abundance, hence bivalves are regularly collected and consumed by the community. This study aimed to analyze the abundance and food safety of bivalves found in Sreseh Subdistrict Beach, Sampang Madura. The food safety was reviewed based on the content of heavy metals Pb and Cd. Samples were taken from the intertidal zone of Sreseh District Beach, Sampang Madura, using the transect line method, including two stations, 30 transects, and 270 plots. The samples were identified based on morphological characters. The content of heavy metals Pb and Cd using Spectrophotometry method. The abundance of bivalves was reviewed based on the relative abundance index. The content of heavy metals Pb and Cd was analyzed descriptively. The results showed that in the intertidal zone of Sreseh District Beach was found 21 species of bivalves consisting of nine families namely Veneridae, Pinnidae, Ostreidae, Isognomonidae, Arcidae, Pharidae, Semelidae, Placunidae, Placunidae, Mytilidae. The most dominant bivalve in Sreseh Subdistrict Beach was Gafrarium pectinatum with a relative abundance value (KR%) 49.66. The content of heavy metals Pb of Gafrarium pectinatum was 0.686 ± 0.017 mg / kg, while the content of heavy metals Cd of Gafrarium pectinatum was 0.091 ± 0.0004 mg / kg. The flesh of Gafrarium pectinatum is safe to be consumed because the content of heavy metals Pb and Cd is still below the standard of SNI Num. 3460.1-2009.