Angkutan Sekolah Gratis yang akan direncanakan beroprasi di Kota Madiun yakni melayani berbagai sekolah di seputaran kota madiun. Keseluruham sekolah yang dilayani yaitu sebanyak 9 sekolah. Sembilan sekolah tersebut yaitu SMAN 2 Madiun, SMP 13 Madiun, SMPN 1 Madiun, SMPN 5 Madiun, SMP PSM Madiun, SMAN 5 Madiun, SMAN 1 Madiun, SMAN 6 Madiun, SMKN 2 Madiun. Seluruh sekolah yang di layani akan diberikan rute masing masing sesuai dengan banyaknya kebutuhan pengguna di setiap sekolah juga disediakan jumlah angkutan sekolah yang berbeda pula.
Jumlah total keseluruhan pengguna yang setuju menggunakan angkutan sekolah gratis tersebut sebanyak 272 siswa. Dengan begitu total moda yang beroprasi melayani semua siswa persekolah dan per rute yang sudah di rencanakan yaitu sebanyak 28 armada. Rute dari semua moda yang beroprasi melayani setiap sekolah yaitu berdasarkan alamat dari responden yang bersedia menggunakan transportasi yang sudah disediakan ini Pergi kesekolah dan pulang dari sekolah menuju rumah atau titik penjemputan.
Free School Transportation that will be planned to operate in the city of Madiun, which is serving various schools around the city of Madiun. All schools served are as many as 9 schools. The nine schools are SMAN 2 Madiun, Middle School 13 Madiun, Middle School 1 Madiun, Middle School 5 Madiun, Middle School PSM Madiun, SMAN 5 Madiun, SMAN 1 Madiun, SMAN 6 Madiun, SMK 2 Madiun. All schools served will be given their respective routes according to the number of user needs in each school, also provided by the number of different school transports.
all of users who agreed to use the free school transportation were 272 students. Thus the total operating modes serve all school students and per planned route as many as 28 fleets. The routes of all operating modes serving each school are based on the addresses of respondents who are willing to use the provided transportation. Go to school and go home from school to your home or pickup point.