Pertuturan melibatkan penutur.dan mitra tutur. Dalam tiap tuturan.yang disampaikan, penutur ingin mitra tutur memahami maksud tuturannya. Tindak tutur ilokusi berguna dalam menyampaikan sesuatu juga melakukan sesuatu, biasanya ditemukan dalam percakapan sehari-hari namun juga dapat ditemukan pada media lain seperti film karena ketertarikan masyarakat terhadap media massa sangat besar seperti halnya pada film. Isi film biasanya menayangkan fenomena yang berisi pesan sesuai dengan fenomena yang ada. Karena fenomena saat ini ialah Pandemi Covid-19 sebagai wabah dunia yang sedang terjadi sejak dua tahun yang lalu hingga sekarang, banyak sutradara mengangkat Covid-19 sebagai tema film seperti dalam film pendek “Positif” Karya Hanung.Bramantyo dan Jeihan Angga. Penelitian ini bertujuan memaparkan jenis, fungsi tindak tutur ilokusi, dan strategi bertutur dalam film pendek yang diteliti karena fokus penelitian ini ialah bagaimana jenis, fungsi tindak tutur ilokusi, dan strategi bertutur yang terdapat pada film pendek Positif. Jenis penelitian ini yaitu deskriptif kualitatif karena data diperoleh dari tuturan pemeran film pendek yang diteliti dengan teori yang berfokus pada tindak tutur ilokusi menurut Searle dan Leech dan strategi bertutur menurut Blum-Kulka. Pengumpulan data dalam.penelitian ini menggunakan teknik dokumentasi, teknik simak, dan teknik catat. Teknik analasis data yang digunakan yakni analisis deskriptif dengan prosedur (1) memilah data (2) mengklasifikasi data (3) menganalisis data, dan (4) menyimpulkan hasil analisis. Dalam penelitian ini ditemukan jenis dan fungsi tindak tutur ilokusi beserta strategi bertuturnya. Jenis tindak tutur ilokusi yang ditemukan ada 5 yakni asertif, direktif, ekspresif, komisif, dan deklarasi. Adapun fungsi tindak tutur ilokusi yang ditemukan adalah fungsi kompetitif, menyenangkan, bekerja sama, dan bertentangan. Strategi bertutur yang ditemukan pada penelitian ini yakni strategi bertutur langsung dan strategi bertutur tidak langsung.
Kata Kunci: Tindak Ilokusi, Film Positif, Covid-19.
Speech involves the speaker and the speech partner. In every utterance that is delivered, the speaker wants the hearer to understand the meaning of his utterance. Illocutionary speech acts are useful in conveying something as well as doing something, usually found in everyday conversation but can also be found in other media such as films because public interest in mass media is very large, as is the case with films. The contents of the film usually show phenomena that contain messages according to the existing phenomena. Because the current phenomenon is the Covid-19 Pandemic as a world epidemic that has occurred since two years ago until now, many directors have adopted Covid-19 as the theme of the film, such as in the short film "Positive" by Hanung. Bramantyo and Jeihan Angga. This study aims to describe the types, functions of illocutionary speech acts, and speech strategies in the short films studied because the focus of this research is how the types, functions of illocutionary speech acts, and speech strategies are found in the short film Positive. This type of research is descriptive qualitative because the data is obtained from the speeches of short film actors who are examined with a theory that focuses on illocutionary speech acts according to Searle and Leech and speech strategies according to Blum-Kulka. Data collection in this research uses documentation techniques, listening techniques, and note-taking techniques. The data analysis technique used is descriptive analysis with procedures (1) sorting data (2) classifying data (3) analyzing data, and (4) concluding the results of the analysis. In this study, the types and functions of illocutionary speech acts and their speech strategies were found. There are 5 types of illocutionary speech acts, namely assertive, directive, expressive, commissive, and declaration. The functions of illocutionary speech acts found are competitive, pleasant, cooperative, and contradictory functions. The speaking strategies found in this study are direct speech strategies and indirect speech strategies.
Keywords: Illocutionary Acts, Positive Film, Covid-19.