Tujuan penelitian ini untuk mengetahui: 1) formula terbaik produk blondies mocaf dengan penambahan bubuk kelor, 2) tingkat kesukaan panelis terhadap hasil jadi kue blondies mocaf dengan penambahan bubuk kelor meliputi: warna, rasa, aroma, dan tekstur 3) per 100g kue blondies mocaf dengan penambahan bubuk kelor 4) Harga jual kue blondies mocaf per box (10 potong). Penelitian dengan metode uji coba dilakukan untuk mendapatkan resep dan produk standart. Teknik pengambilan data dilakukan dengan cara observasi melalui uji sensoris terhadap kesukaan panelis. Teknik analisis data adalah deskriptif kuantitatif dengan persentase. Untuk mengetahui kandungan gizi kue blondies mocaf dengan penambahan bubuk kelor dilakukan uji laboratorium untuk mengetahui kandungan antioksidan, betakaroten, vitamin C, protein, dan serat. Penghitungan harga jual menggunakan metode cost plus pricing method. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan: 1) Formula blondies mocaf dengan penambahan bubuk kelor yaitu Tepung mocaf 100g, bubuk kelor 10g, coklat putih 75g, mentega 115g, gula 100g, telur 125g, baking powder 3g, kacang almond 7g; 2) tingkat kesukaan 51% (19 orang) menyatakan suka terhadap rasa, 51% (18 orang) menyatakan suka terhadap warna, 57% (20 orang) menyatakan suka terhadap aroma, 59% (20 orang) menyatakan suka terhadap tekstur, 3) Dalam 100 gram kue mengandung antioksidan 118,50mg, betakaroten 96,85mg, vitamin C 128,60mg, protein 13,65%, serat 3,44%; dan 4) Harga jual blondies mocaf dengan daun kelor yaitu Rp.28.000/box yang berisi 10 potong.
The purpose of this study was to determine: 1) the best formula for blondies mocaf products with the addition of Moringa powder, 2) the level of preference of the panelists on the finished product of blondies mocaf cakes with the addition of Moringa powder including: color, taste, aroma, and texture 3) per 100g of blondies mocaf cake. with the addition of Moringa powder 4) The selling price of blondies mocaf cake per box (10 pieces). Research with the trial method was carried out to obtain standard recipes and products. The data collection technique was carried out by means of observation through a sensory test of the panelists' preferences. Data analysis technique is descriptive quantitative with percentage. To determine the nutritional content of blondies mocaf cake with the addition of Moringa powder, laboratory tests were carried out to determine the content of antioxidants, beta-carotene, vitamin C, protein, and fiber. The selling price is calculated using the cost plus pricing method. The results of this study indicate: 1) The blondies mocaf formula with the addition of Moringa powder, namely 100g mocaf flour, 10g moringa powder, 75g white chocolate, 115g butter, 100g sugar, 125g eggs, 3g baking powder, 7g almonds; 2) 51% (19 people) liked the taste, 51% (18 people) liked the color, 57% (20 people) said they liked the smell, 59% (20 people) liked the texture, 3) In 100 grams of cake contains 118.50 mg of antioxidants, 96.85 mg of beta-carotene, 128.60 mg of vitamin C, 13.65% protein, 3.44% fiber; and 4) The selling price of blondies mocaf with Moringa leaves is Rp. 28.000/box which contains 10 pieces.