Komunikasi merupakan komponen terpenting bagi setiap manusia untuk melangsungkan kehidupan. Urgensi komunikasi bersifat menyeluruh melingkupi kebutuhan semua individu yang dapat teridentifikasi dari beragam cara dalam melakukan komunikasi. Anak autis memiliki hambatan dalam berkomunikasi baik secara verbal maupun non verbal. Sehingga mereka membutuhkan media pembelajaran yang dapat membantu dalam pembelajaran komunikasi dalam kehidupan sehari-hari yaitu game edukasi smart word. Penelitian ini untuk menguji kelayakan dari segi kevalidan game edukasi smart word untuk komunikasi anak autis. Metode penelitian ini menggunkan pendekatan Reseach and Devlopment (R & D) dengan pengembangan model 4D yaitu define, design, develop, dan disseminate. Penelitian ini hanya menggunakan 3 tahapan pengembangan define, design and devlop. Hasil penelitian diperoleh nilai validasi meliputi: (1). Nilai keseluruhan indikator validasi ahli media 75% dengan keterangan layak, (2) Nilai keseluruhan indikator validasi ahli materi 76% dengan keterangan layak. (3) Nilai keselurahan indikator validasi ahli pendidikan luar biasa 81,3% dengan keterangan layak. Dapat disimpulkan bahwa hasil pengembangan game edukasi smart word untuk komunikasi anak autis layak kevalidannya menurut ahli media, ahli mater dan ahli pendidikan luar biasa.
Communication is the most important component for every human being to carry on life. The urgency of communication is holistic covering the needs of all individuals which can be identified from various ways of communicating. Autistic children have obstacles in communicating both verbally and non-verbally. So they need learning media that can help in learning communication in everyday life, namely the smart word educational game. This study is to test the feasibility of the validity of smart word educational games for communication of autistic children. This research method uses the Reseach and Development (R & D) approach with the development of the 4D model that is define, design, develop, and disseminate. This study only uses 3 stages of the development of define, design and devlop. The results of the study obtained validation values include: (1). The overall value of the media expert validation indicator is 75% with proper information, (2) The overall value of the material expert validation indicator is 76% with proper information. (3) The overall indicator value of the validation of special education specialists is 81.3% with proper information. It can be concluded that the results of developing smart word educational games for communication of autistic children are worthy of validity according to media experts, mater experts and special education experts.