Anik. 2021. Creative Thinking Profile of Elementary School Students in Posing
Mathematical Problems in the Context of the Gubug Wayang Museum is R eviewed
B ased on T he L evel
of S tudent A bility. Thesis,
Basic Education Study Program, Postgraduate, Surabaya State University.
Supervisor (1) Prof. Dr. Tatag Yuli Eko Siswono, M.Pd. and (II) Neni Mariana,
S.Pd. M.Sc. Ph.D.
creative thinking, fluency, flexibility, novelty, gubug wayang museum, problem
study is a descriptive study with a qualitative approach that aims to determine
the creative thinking profile of students with (1) high, (2) medium, and (3)
low abilities in posing mathematical problems in the context of the Gubug Wayang Museum.
To determine students' mathematical abilities, a mathematical ability test
(TKM) was used. Meanwhile, to determine the level of students' creative
thinking ability (TKBK), a problem-posing test (TPM) was used. The results of
TPM 1 and TPM 2 were analyzed using creative thinking indicators, namely
fluency, flexibility, and novelty. Analysis of TPM results will classify
students into 5 levels of creative thinking ability (TKBK), namely very
creative, creative, quite creative, less creative, and not creative. Then
selected students to be interviewed, who represent every mathematical ability
and every level of creative thinking. The results of TPM 1, TPM 2, and
interviews were then triangulated to check the validity of the data. The next
step is to describe the creative thinking profile of each subject.
results of the TKM analysis showed that there were 9 students with high abilities,
7 students with medium abilities, and 9 students with low abilities. While the
results of the TPM analysis there are 28% of all students whose levels of
creative thinking are very creative, 16% are creative, 48% are less creative
and 8% are not creative.
creative thinking profiles of students with high and medium abilities are the
same, starting with reading and observing the illustrations in the TPM, posing
problems based on information, solving problems they have made. High-ability
students are very creative and creative and then pose a problem that has a
different way of solving it. Students are very creative in solving the problems
they have proposed, while creative students have not been able to solve the
problems they pose well. Next student very creative and
creative in posing a more complicated problem while solving the problem.
Students who are less creative have not been able to pose a problem that is
different from the one that has been posed . The creative thinking
profile of low-ability students is almost the same as high and medium-ability
students, but low-ability students have difficulty understanding illustrations
and assignments in TPM, so they have to reread them. Low-ability students have
not been able to pose a problem that is different from the one that has been posed .