Pengembangan Instrumen Penilaian Digital Untuk Mengukur Hasil Belajar IPS Kelas IV Sekolah Dasar
Development of Digital Assessment Instrument to Measure Social Science Learning Outcomes for IV Grade in Elementary School
Wijayanti, Ratna Widya. 2022. Pengembangan Instrumen Penilaian Digital Untuk Mengukur Hasil Belajar IPS Kelas IV di Sekolah Dasar. Tesis. Program Pendidikan Dasar. Pascasarjana. Universitas Negeri Surabaya. Pembimbing: (1) Prof. Dr. Yatim Riyanto. M.Pd., (2) Dr. Waspodo Tjipto Subroto, M.Pd
Kata Kunci: Instrumen Penilaian Digital, Hasil Belajar IPS, Sekolah Dasar
Peserta didik yang terbiasa mengerjakan evaluasi dengan lembaran kertas akan mengalami kesulitan ketika mengerjakan Ujian Sekolah Berbasis Komputer dan sangat mempengaruhi hasil yang diperolehnya. Peserta didik merupakan generasi digital native dimana dalam kesehariannya dikelilingi perangkat digital canggih dan senantiasa memanfaatkan teknologi digital dalam kehidupan sehari-harinya. Oleh sebab itu, sudah waktunya guru berinovasi dengan mengembangkan instrument penilaian digital yang inovatif, menarik dan membantu peserta didik dalam mengukur hasil belajarnya. Berdasarkan hal tersebut penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengembangkan instrument penilaian digital yang memiliki kelayakan, kepraktisan dan keefektifan dalam mengukur hasil belajar IPS Kelas IV sekolah dasar.
Penelitian ini menggunakan metode penelitian dan pengembangan atau Education Research and Development (RnD) dan uji coba hasil belajar menggunakan pre-test dan post-test. Teknik pengumpulan data yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini yaitu observasi, wawancara, validasi ahli, angket respon peserta didik dan tes perolehan hasil belajal (pretest dan posttest). Teknik analisis data yang digunakan adalah deskriptif kuantitatif.
Hasil penelitian tahap validasi terhadap instrument penilaian digital ini memiliki kevalidan dan kelayakan yang cukup tinggi. Hasil penilaian dari ahli media memperoleh prosentase kevalidan 96%, hasil penilaian dari ahli isi materi memperoleh prosentase kevalidan seluruhnya 91%, uji kepraktisan dari guru kelas IV memperoleh prosentase 99% dan hasil tanggapan atau respon pesera didik dilapangan memperoleh prosentase kepraktisan seluruhnya 98%. Tingkat keefektifan instrument penilaian digital dapat dilihat dari perbandingan pretest yang mendapatkan nilai rata- rata 64,2 sedangkan posttest mendapatkan nilai rata- rata 85,8. Dengan demikian dapat disimpulkan bahwa instrument penilaian digital ini memiliki kelayakan, kepraktisan dan keefektifan dalam mengukur hasil belajar IPS kelas IV Sekolah Dasar.
Wijayanti, Ratna Widya. 2022. Development of Digital Assessment Instrument to Measure Social Science Learning Outcomes for IV Grade in Elementary School. Thesis. Basic Education Program. Pascasarjana. Universitas Negeri Surabaya. Mentor: (1) Prof. Dr. Yatim Riyanto. M.Pd., (2) Dr. Waspodo Tjipto Subroto, M.Pd
Keywords: Digital Assessment Instrument, Social Science Learning Outcomes, Elementary School
Students are accustomed to doing evaluations with sheets of paper will have difficulty when working on Computer-Based School Exams and greatly affect the results they get. Students are a digital native generation where in their daily life they are surrounded by sophisticated digital devices and always use digital technology in their daily lives. Therefore, it is time for teachers to innovate by developing digital assessment instruments that are innovative, interesting and help students measure their learning outcomes. Based on this, this study aims to develop a digital assessment instrument that has feasibility, practicality and effectiveness in measuring social studies learning outcomes for Grade IV elementary schools.
This study uses research and development methods or Education Research and Development (RnD) and learning outcomes trials using pre-test and post-test. Data collection techniques used in this study were observation, interviews, expert validation, student response questionnaires and learning outcomes acquisition tests (pretest and posttest). The data analysis technique used is descriptive quantitative.
The results of the validation phase of this digital assessment instrument have a fairly high validity and feasibility. The results of the assessment from media experts obtained a percentage of 96% validity, the results of assessments from material content experts obtained a total validity percentage of 91%, practicality tests from fourth grade teachers obtained a percentage of 99% and the results of the responses or responses of students in the field obtained a practical percentage of 98% entirely. The level of effectiveness of the digital assessment instrument can be seen from the comparison of the pretest which gets an average value of 64.2 while the posttest gets an average value of 85.8. Thus, it can be concluded that this digital assessment instrument has feasibility, practicality and effectiveness in measuring social studies learning outcomes for grade IV Elementary School.