Khairiyah, Karunia Yulinda, 2019. Pengembangan Media Big book Untuk Memvisualisasikan Konsep Teks Narasi Melalui Membaca Bersama pada Siswa Tunagrahita Ringan. Tesis, Program Studi Pendidikan Luar Biasa, Program Pascasarjana Universitas Negeri Surabaya. Pembimbing: (I) Dr. Yuliyati, M.Pd, dan (II) Dr. Sri Joeda Andajani, M.Kes.
Kata-kata Kunci: Pengembangan, big book, visualisasi konsep, teks narasi membaca bersama
Siswa tunagrahita ringan mengalami hambatan pada aspek-aspek perkembangan, salah satunya adalah aspek kognitif. Hal tersebut menyebabkan siswa mengalami permasalahan dibidang akademik, termasuk pada kemampuan membaca. Selain faktor kondisi siswa, kurangnya media yang digunakan dalam proses belajar mengajar juga menyebabkan ketidakberhasilan siswa untuk mencapai hasil pembelajaran yang maksimal. Maka dari itu, perlu diberikan solusi permasalahan yang tepat dalam mengatasi masalah tersebut. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mendiskripsikan kelayakan dari aspek; (1) kevalidan, (2) kepraktisan, (3) keefektifan produk media big book untuk memvisualisasikan konsep teks narasi melalui membaca bersama pada siswa tunagrahita ringan. Penelitian ini menggunakan model pengembangan 4-D yang diimplementasikan hanya tiga tahap dari empat tahap dengan alas an sampai pada tahap ke tiga produk sudah bisa dikatakan layak digunakan baik dari segi valid, prakti, dan efektif. Teknik analisis data yang dilakukan dalam penelitian pengembangan media big book yaitu teknik analisis data hasil uji kevalidan menggunakan persentase, hasil uji kepraktisan menggunakan persentase, dan keefektifan menggunakan uji gain score. Hasil produk pengembangan ini adalah media big book untuk siswa tunagrahita ringan dalam memvisualisasikan konsep teks narasi melalui membaca bersama.
Berdasarkan uji kevalidan dari beberapa ahli diperoleh hasil; (1). Ahli media 99,28%; (2). Ahli materi 98,94%; (3). Ahli tunagrahita 97,89%. Hasil uji kepraktisan memperoleh hasil dari respon pengguna yaitu guru 98,33%, dan respon pengguna peserta didik memperoleh hasil 89,25%. Hasil uji keeektifan menggunakan uji gain dan memperoleh hasil 0,6. Hasil analisis dari pengembangan media big book yang diperoleh dari uji kevalidan, kepraktisan, dan keefektifan yaitu uji kevalidan memperoleh hasil penilaian dari para ahli dengan kategori sangat valid, uji kepraktisan memperoleh hasil dengan kategori sangat praktis, dan uji keefektifan dengan melakukan kegiatan pretest dan posttest memperoleh hasil dengan kategori sedang. Dan dapat diambil kesimpulan bahwa pengembangan media big book untuk memvisualisasikan konsep teks narasi melalui membaca bersama pada siswa tunagrahita ringan layak digunakan dari aspek kevalidan, kepraktisan, dan keefektifan dalam kegiatan pembelajaran bagi siswa tunagrahita ringan.
ABSTRACT Khairiyah, Karunia Yulinda, 2019. Development of the Big Book Media to Visualize the Concept of Narrative Texts Through Shared Reading in mild mental retardation. Thesis, Special Education Study, Postgraduate, Surabaya State University. Advisers: (I) Dr. Yuliyati, M.Pd, and (II) Dr. Sri Joeda Andajani, M.Kes. Keywords: Development, big book, Vizualize the concept, narrative text, shared reading. Mild mentally retarded students experience obstacles in developmental aspects, one of which is cognitive aspects. This causes students to experience problems in the academic field, including reading skills. In addition to the factors of student conditions, the lack of media used in the teaching and learning process also causes students to fail to achieve maximum learning outcomes. Therefore, it is necessary to provide solutions to the right problems in overcoming the problem. This study aims to describe the feasibility in terms of; (1) validity, (2) practicality, (3) the effectiveness of big book media products to visualize the concept of narrative text through shared reading in mild mental retardation students. This research and development uses a 4-D development model consisting of four stages, namely definition, design, development, and dissemination. The development of this big book media is based on 3 stages without dissemination. Data collection using observation, questionnaires, and tests. Data analysis techniques carried out in big book media development research are data analysis techniques as a result of feasibility, practicality and effectiveness. The results of this development product are big book media for mild mentally retarded students in visualizing the concept of narrative text through shared reading. Based on validity tests from several experts, results were obtained; (1). Media expert 99.28%; (2). Material expert 98.94%; (3). Expert on mental retardation 97.89%. The practicality test results obtained results from the user's response, namely the teacher 98.33%, and the response of the users of the students obtained 89.25%. The results of the effectiveness test used the gain test and obtained a result of 0.6. The results of the analysis of the big book media obtained from the validity test, practicality, and effectiveness of the feasibility test obtained the results of evaluations from experts with very feasible categories, practicality tests obtained results with very practical categories, and effectiveness tests by obtaining pretest and posttest activities. results with medium categories. And it can be concluded that the development of the big book media to visualize the concept of narrative text through shared reading in mentally retarded students is mildly feasible, practical, and effective to use in learning activities.
Khairiyah, Karunia Yulinda, 2019. Development of the Big Book Media to Visualize the Concept of Narrative Texts Through Shared Reading in mild mental retardation. Thesis, Special Education Study, Postgraduate, Surabaya State University. Advisers: (I) Dr. Yuliyati, M.Pd, and (II) Dr. Sri Joeda Andajani, M.Kes.
Keywords: Development, big book, Vizualize the concept, narrative text, shared reading.
Mild mentally retarded students experience obstacles in developmental aspects, one of which is cognitive aspects. This causes students to experience problems in the academic field, including reading skills. In addition to the factors of student conditions, the lack of media used in the teaching and learning process also causes students to fail to achieve maximum learning outcomes. Therefore, it is necessary to provide solutions to the right problems in overcoming the problem. This study aims to describe the feasibility in terms of; (1) validity, (2) practicality, (3) the effectiveness of big book media products to visualize the concept of narrative text through shared reading in mild mental retardation students. This research and development uses a 4-D development model consisting of four stages, namely definition, design, development, and dissemination. The development of this big book media is based on 3 stages without dissemination. Data collection using observation, questionnaires, and tests. Data analysis techniques carried out in big book media development research are data analysis techniques as a result of feasibility, practicality and effectiveness. The results of this development product are big book media for mild mentally retarded students in visualizing the concept of narrative text through shared reading.
Based on validity tests from several experts, results were obtained; (1). Media expert 99.28%; (2). Material expert 98.94%; (3). Expert on mental retardation 97.89%. The practicality test results obtained results from the user's response, namely the teacher 98.33%, and the response of the users of the students obtained 89.25%. The results of the effectiveness test used the gain test and obtained a result of 0.6. The results of the analysis of the big book media obtained from the validity test, practicality, and effectiveness of the feasibility test obtained the results of evaluations from experts with very feasible categories, practicality tests obtained results with very practical categories, and effectiveness tests by obtaining pretest and posttest activities. results with medium categories. And it can be concluded that the development of the big book media to visualize the concept of narrative text through shared reading in mentally retarded students is mildly feasible, practical, and effective to use in learning activities.