Dampak Revolusi Biru bagi Nelayan Kecil (Studi Nelayan Desa Weru Kecamatan Paciran Kabupaten Lamongan)
The Impact of the Blue Revolution for Small Fishermen (study of fishermen in weru village, paciran sub-district, lamongan district)
Salah satu modernisasi disektor kelautan adalah revolusi biru. Revolusi biru merupakan program pengupayaan pemerintah untuk membantu pemenuhan kebutuhan alat tangkap ikandi sektor kelautan. Diberlakukannya revolusi biru atau modernisasi telah menimbulkan permasalahan dikalangan masyarakat nelayan kecil di DesaWeru. Tujuan dari penelitian ini yaitu: 1.) Mendeskripsikan karakteristik masyarakat nelayan Desa Weru Kecamatan Paciran Kabupaten Lamongan; 2.) Mengetahui macam-macam dampak positif dan negatif Revolusi Biru bagi nelayan kecil. Penelitian ini merupakan jenis penelitian kualitatif dengan menggunakan prespektif teori ketergantungan Robert A. Packenham. Pengumpulan data dilakukan dengan teknik observasi dan wawancara mendalam terhadap masyarakat nelayan Desa Weru. Data yang telah terkumpul dianalisis dengan menggunakan teknik analisis yang diadopsi dari analisis data interaktif dari Miles dan Huberman.Penelitian ini menemukan bahwa nelayan Desa Weru sebelum adanya revolusi biru memiliki karakteristik sebagai nelayan tradisional. kegiatan nelayan yang dilakukan secara turun temurun membuat nelayan Desa Weru mampu memahami bahaya dan kondisi pasang surut air laut yang mempengaruhi hasil tangkapan ikan. Alat tangkap yang digunakan masih sederhana seperti pancing dan jaring slerek. Sejak adanya pemberlakukan revolusi biru di Desa Weru berdampak pada seluruh masyarakat nelayan. Revolusi biru memberikan pemahaman dan pola pikir tentang pentingnya teknologi modern. Disisi lain, revolusi biru berdampak negatif bagi nelayan kecil meliputi perubahan sosial, ekonomi dan lingkungan. Perubahan pola interaksi sosial disebabkan adanya kecemburuan sosial dan persaingan yang tidak sehat. Adanya eksploitasi sumberdaya kelautan dilakukan nelayan besar. Kurangnya kesadaran terhadap kebersihan lingkungan sekitar laut menyebabkan air laut menjadi tercemar.
Kata Kunci : Dampak Revolusi Biru, Nelayan Kecil, Sosial, dan Ekonomi.
One of the modernizations in the marine sector is the blue revolution. The blue revolution is a government effort program to help meet the need for fishing gear in the marine sector. The government policy regarding the implementation of the blue revolution or the modernization of fishing gears has caused various problems among the small fishing community in Weru Village. The objectives of this research are: 1.) To describe the characteristics of the fishing community in Weru Village, Paciran District, Lamongan Regency; 2.) Knowing the kinds of positive and negative impacts of the Blue Revolution for small fishermen. This research is a qualitative research using the perspective of Robert A. Packenham's dependency theory. Data collection was carried out by means of observation and in-depth interviews with the fishing community in Weru Village. The data that has been collected were analyzed using analytical techniques adopted from interactive data analysis from Miles and Huberman. This study found that the fishermen in Weru Village before the blue revolution had the characteristics of being traditional fishermen. Hereditary fishing activities make the fishermen of Weru Village able to understand the dangers and tidal conditions of sea water that affect fish catches. Fishing gear used is still simple, such as fishing line and slerek nets. Since the implementation of the blue revolution in Weru Village, it has had an impact on the entire fishing community. The blue revolution provides understanding and mindset about the importance of modern technology. On the other hand, the blue revolution had a negative impact on small fishermen including social, economic and environmental changes. Changes in social interaction patterns are caused by social jealousy and unfair competition. There is exploitation of marine resources by big fishermen. Lack of awareness of the cleanliness of the environment around the sea causes sea water to become polluted.
Keywords : Impact of the Blue Revolution, Small Fishermen, Social, and Economy