Di tengah bencana global pandemi Covid-19 aktivitas ekonomi masyarakat sangat terdampak khususnya pada pelaku usaha kecil menengah (UKM) Tatarupa yang berada di Surabaya. Peranan media pemasaran digital menjadi sangat penting karena di tengah wabah Covid-19 hampir semua aktivitas UKM tatap muka (offline) beralih menjadi online termasuk aktivitas perekonomian seperti jual beli. Berjualan online tentu memiliki keterkaitan dengan komunikasi karena penjual tidak dapat bertemu secara langsung dengan pembeli. Penjual harus memiliki keahlian komunikasi supaya dapat memasarkan produknya dengan baik melalui pasar online. Bercermin dari hal tersebut maka pembelajaran mengenai setrategi komunikasi dibutuhkan oleh UKM Tatarupa supaya dapat mengkomunikasikan produknya secara online dan dapat memaksimalkan penjualan pada masa pandemi Covid-19. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengoptimalkan strategi komunikasi digital pelaku UKM Tatarupa agar dapat menerapkannya di tengah pandemi Covid-19. Metode design thinking yang fokus pada pengguna digunakan peneliti agar tahapan riset dapat terstruktur. Hasil dari penelitian ini adalah usulan berupa kebijakan dan strategi komunikasi digital yang disampaikan menggunakan medium handbook.
Kata kunci: Handbook, UKM, Desain Media
In the midst of the global disaster of the Covid-19 pandemic, the economic activities of the community were severely affected, especially in the Tatarupa small and medium enterprises (SME) in Surabaya. The role of digital marketing media is vital because, in the midst of the Covid-19 outbreak, almost all face-to-face (offline) SME activities have turned online, including economic activities such as buying and selling. Selling online certainly has a relationship with communication because the seller cannot meet the buyer directly. The seller must have communication skills to market his product well through the online market. Reflecting on this, learning about the communication strategy is needed by Tatarupa SME so that they can communicate their products online and can maximize sales during the Covid-19 pandemic. This research aims to optimize the digital communication strategy of Tatarupa SME players so that they can implement it in the midst of the Covid-19 pandemic. The design thinking method that focuses on users is used by researchers so that the research stages can be structured. The results of this study are suggestions in the form of digital communication policies and strategies that are conveyed using a medium handbook.
Keywords: Handbook, SME, Media Design