Tujuan penelitian ini adalah menganalisis kualitas instrumen yang dikembangkan secara teoritis dan empiris dan menganalisis profil kemampuan berpikir kreatif siswa. Jenis penelitian ini adalah pengembangan dengan menggunakan model pengembangan ADDIE yang terdiri lima tahapan yaitu, Analysis, Design, Develop, Implement, dan Evaluate. Subjek uji coba penelitian ini adalah siswa kelas X MA Matholi'ul Anwar Lamongan. Hasil pengembangan yang telah divalidasi oleh 3 validator didapatkan 4 soal berbentuk uraian dengan setiap soal terdapat 4 tahap penyelesaian masalah. Hasil analisis validitas teoritis didapatkan skor modus pada ranah isi, konstruksi, dan bahasa masing-masing 4, 4, dan 4 dengan kriteria sangat baik dan Percentage of Agreement (PoA) instrumen penilaian dinyatakan baik. Instrumen yang telah dinyatakan valid secara teoritis digunakan untuk uji coba terbatas kepada 30 siswa. Hasil analisis kualitas instrumen secara empiris yaitu, (a) Hasil uji validitas empiris didapatkan korelasi yang sangat tinggi antara instrumen yang dikembangkan dengan instrumen yang telah dinyatakan valid pada penelitian terdahulu dengan koefisien korelasinya 0,962, dan validitas item soal dinyatakan valid dengan nilai yang diperoleh sebesar 0,623 hingga 0,862, (b) Reliabilitas instrumen diperoleh r hitung sebesar 0,952 dengan keterangan instrumen dinyatakan reliabel, (c) Tingkat kesukaran butir soal diperoleh taraf kesukaran sebesar 0,534 hingga 0,700 dengan kriteria tingkat kesukaran sedang, (d) Daya pembeda butir soal diperoleh indeks daya pembeda sebesar 0,222 hingga 0,367 dengan kriteria cukup. Instrumen yang dinyatakan berkualitas secara teoritis dan empiris digunakan untuk uji coba luas kepada 60 siswa. Tingkat kemampuan berpikir kreatif siswa kelas X MA Matholi'ul Anwar Lamongan terkategori cukup kreatif (32%) dan kreatif (68%). Kemampuan siswa di setiap indikator berpikir kreatif didapatkan nilai paling tinggi ke rendah secara berturut-turut pada aspek fluency, elaboration, originality, dan flexibility. Dengan demikian dapat disimpulkan bahwa instrumen yang dikembangkan dinyatakan berkualitas secara teoritis dan empiris, dan dapat mengukur kemampuan berpikir kreatif siswa di setiap indikatornya.
Kata Kunci : Instrumen Penilaian, Kemampuan Berpikir Kreatif, Pemecahan Masalah, Energi Terbarukan
The purpose of this study was to analyze the quality of the instruments developed theoretically and empirically and to analyze the profile of students' creative thinking abilities. This type of research is development using the ADDIE development model which consists of five stages, namely, Analysis, Design, Develop, Implement, and Evaluate. The subjects of this research trial were class X students of MA Matholi'ul Anwar Lamongan. The results of the development that have been validated by 3 validators obtained 4 questions in the form of descriptions with each question there are 4 stages of problem solving. The results of the theoretical validity analysis obtained mode scores in the content, construction, and language domains of 4, 4, and 4 respectively with very good criteria and the Percentage of Agreement (PoA) assessment instrument was declared good. Instruments that have been declared theoretically valid are used for limited trials of 30 students. The results of the empirical analysis of instrument quality are, (a) The results of the empirical validity test obtained a very high correlation between the instruments developed and instruments that have been declared valid in previous studies with a correlation coefficient of 0.962, and the validity of the item questions was declared valid with a value obtained of 0.623 up to 0.862, (b) The reliability of the instrument was obtained by rcount of 0.952 with the description of the instrument being declared reliable, (c) The level of difficulty of the items was obtained by a difficulty level of 0.534 to 0.700 with the criteria of medium difficulty level, (d) The discriminating power of the items was obtained by the discriminating power index of 0.222 to 0.367 with sufficient criteria. Instruments that were declared to be of theoretical and empirical quality were used for extensive trials of 60 students. The level of creative thinking ability of class X students of MA Matholi'ul Anwar Lamongan is categorized as quite creative (32%) and creative (68%). The ability of students in each indicator to think creatively obtained the highest to the lowest score respectively on the aspects of fluency, elaboration, originality, and flexibility. Thus it can be concluded that the instruments developed are theoretically and empirically qualified, and can measure students' creative thinking abilities in each of their indicators.
Keywords: Assessment Instrument, Creative Thinking Ability, Problem Solving, Renewable Energy