An Nuril Maulida Fauziah. 2024. Model Engineering Design Process Blended
Learning (E-BL) Dalam Pembelajaran Sains Untuk Meningkatkan Keterampilan
Berpikir Kritis Mahasiswa. Disertasi Program Studi S3 Pendidikan Sains,
Pascasarjana, Universitas Negeri Surabaya. Pembimbing: (1) Prof. Dr. Wasis, M.Si
dan (II) Prof.Dr. Wahono Widodo, M.Si.
Critical thinking skills are one of the 4 C's of 21st-century learning. Seeing
a problem from a new perspective, as well as analyzing “why” and “how” the
problem arises, is the character of someone who thinks critically. Science learning
directs learners to have critical thinking skills that include comparing evidence,
evaluating claims, and considering information obtained to make realistic decisions.
This learning process, when integrated with the engineering design process (EDP),
helps students to strengthen their understanding of concepts, as well as add design
and innovation elements where they have to design, test, and iterate their solutions.
However, the learning process in classrooms with limited time needs to get the
attention of teachers to create a dynamic, flexible learning environment and focus
on 21st century skills development. Integration of EDP with blended learning is
expected to overcome this. This study aims to develop a valid, practical, and
effective Engineering Design Process Blended Learning (E-BL) model to enhance
the critical thinking skills of students through science learning. (IDM). The research
phase consists of eight phases, ranging from the analysis phase of learning needs to
the evaluation phase: the practicality and effectiveness of the E-BL model towards
critical thinking skills. The subjects of this study are the students of IPA Education
UNESA, where the trial stage is limited using 1 class of the study program S1
Education IPA Unesa PI-A class, and the test stage is broad using 3 classes, namely,
the classes PI-B, PI-E, and PI-F of the S1 education program IPA Education Unesa.
These classes are selected taking into account the suitability of the learning material
developed as well as the courses taken by the students in the study program. Limited
trial activities and extensive trials on this research were carried out in the school
year 2023-2024. Research instruments and data collection methods consist of
validation sheets, observation sheets, interview guides, critical thinking skills tests,
and lifts. Data analysis techniques in this study consist of validity data analysis
using modes, data analysis techniques of percentage implementation of learning,
and data analytics techniques of effectiveness consisting of data analysis descriptive
of critical thinking skills, F test (ANOVA), Tukey's test (HSD), effect size test, as
well as data analysis of student response percentages. The results of the study
showed that: 1) the E-BL model is valid, both in substance and constructively, with
the values that often appear on the three validators being 4 with very valid
categories; 2) the E -BL model has met the practical criteria reviewed of the
implementation of learning after the limited test and the extensive trial with three
observers obtained the results of implementation E - BL model of the very good
category; 3) the E –BL model meets the criteria effective reviewed the value of the
test results limited, and the broad trial test descriptively demonstrated that the
application of the E–BL model was able to improve the critical thinking skills of the pupil, where the value for each critical-thinking skill indicator was on critical
critical to very critical after applying the learning with the E‐BL model. The
ANOVA test results showed a P-value of 0.021, so it could be determined that there
was a significant influence on the improvement of critical thought ability of the
learner after being given learning treatment with the model, i.e., very large. The
effectiveness of the E-BL model is also supported by the active participation of
learners and excellent responses to the implementation of the e-BL, and the
respondents in the category are very positive on extensive trials and limited trials.
The conclusion of this study is that the E-BL model proved to be valid (valid,
practical, and effective) for enhancing the critical thinking skills of students through
science learning.