Tujuan dari penulisan Tugas Akhir ini untuk 1) mendeskripsikan proses pembuatan kombinasi tapestry, macrame, dan crochetpada busana pesta malam. 2) hasil jadi penerapan kombinasi tapestry, macrame, dan crochet pada busana pesta malam.
Metode rekayasa meliputi sumber ide, desain produksi, proses pembuatan dan hasil jadi penerapan kombinasi tapestry, macrame, dan crochet pada busana pesta malam. Metode pengambilan data menggunakan observasi dengan jumlah observer 10 dosen Tata Busana UNESA. Pengolahan data menggunakan teknik metode deskriptif.
Hasil metode rekayasa proses pembuatan kombinasi tapestry, macrame, dan crochet pada busana pesta malam dengan sumber ide terumbu karang menerapkan teknik tapestry corak tenun rata, macrame simpul jangkar dan simpul pipih ganda, dan pada crochet menerapkan tusuk triple. Jadi hasil total mean rekapitulasi dari setiap aspek berjumlah 3.8 dan tergolong dalam kategori baik.
Kata kunci : Tapestry, Macrame, Crochet, Busana Pesta Malam Terumbu Karang
The purpose of writing this Final Project is to describe: 1) the process of making combinations of tapestry, macrame, and crochet at evening party dresses, 2) the results of applying combinations of tapestry, macrame, and crochet on evening party dresses.
The engineering method includes the source of ideas, production design, manufacturing processes and the results of applying combinations of tapestry, macrame, and crochet on evening party dresses. The data collection method uses observations with 10 Fashion Design lecturers of UNESA as observers. While the processing data uses descriptive method techniques.
The results of the engineering method of making combinations of tapestry, macrame, and crochet at evening party dresses with sources of coral ideas are applying flat weaving tapestry techniques, anchor knot macrame and double flat knot, and on crochet apply triple stitches. So the total results of the recapitulation of each aspect amount to 3.8 and belong to the good category.
Keywords: Tapestry, Macrame, Crochet, Evening Dress, Coral Reef