is a subject that studies the world of technology, especially computers. This
subject is mandatory for the vocational high school level, especially for the
Audio Video Engineering major. This thesis will discuss software and hardware
material which is one of the materials contained in informatics subjects. In
accordance with the initial studies and observations conducted by researchers
at SMK Negeri 1 Sidoarjo, information was obtained that there were still many
students who did not understand what software and hardware were. This is
because software and hardware material is material that contains a lot of
concepts that cannot only be described with abstract images, and the media used
is still not enough to facilitate students. So that it is necessary to develop
appropriate software and hardware interactive multimedia for use in the
learning process in the classroom
study aims to produce an interactive multimedia product that is appropriate and
effective for use in informatics subjects at SMK Negeri 1 Sidoarjo. The
feasibility of the media is obtained from the reviews of material experts,
learning design experts, media experts, and product trials. Meanwhile, to
assess the effectiveness of the media is obtained from a comparison of the
results of the pre-test and post-test in field trials which are calculated using
the t-test formula.
study uses the DDD-E development model (Ivers and Baron, 2002). This
development model describes the activities at each step, which consists of
deciding, namely planning a product, analyzing learning objectives, targets,
and existing resources. Design contains the design of the product being
developed such as visuals, audio, video, flowcharts and storyboards. Then
develop implements all the components that will be presented. And the last
evaluation at this stage is carried out at every stage from decide to develop,
not just at the end.
results of the interactive multimedia feasibility test for material experts
were obtained in the very good category with a percentage of 100%, learning
design experts were obtained in the very good category with a percentage of
97.5%, media experts were obtained in the very good category with a percentage
of 92.5%, product trials obtained very good category with a percentage of
91.5%. Then based on the calculation of the t-test on the basis of making a
decision to reject Ho if sig. (2-tailed) ≤ 0.05 and tcount > ttable. The
results of the t-test data obtained sig. (2-tailed) 0.000. Then it is stated
that sig. (2-tailed) 0.000 ≤ of 0.05 and the t-count value is 24,574 while the
t-table is 1,689 with a significance level of 5% and df = 35. It is stated that
tcount > ttable, then Ho is rejected and Ha is accepted, so it can be
concluded that there are differences in student learning outcomes between
before and after the application of interactive multimedia software and
hardware in learning.
Keyword: Media, interactive multimedia, DDD-E,