Pengaruh Pemberian Program Bantuan Sosial Tunai Terhadap Derajat Kualitas Hidup Lanjut Usia
The Effect Of The BST Program On The Quality Of Life Of The Elderly
Terjadi peningkatan angka kemiskinan masyarakat Indonesia per-Maret 2020. Hal ini berbeda dengan penurunan angka kemiskinan yang terjadi tiap tahun ke tahunnya. Program BST hadir sesuai peran Kementrian Sosial dalam menanggulangi permasalahan ekonomi masyarakat. Lansia menjadi salah satu focus pada pembagian dana bantuan Program BST, akibat kerentanan yang dimilikinya. Tujuan dalam penelitian ini untuk mengidentifikasi kondisi sosial ekonomi lanjut usia di Kelurahan Wonokromo, mengidentifikasi kualitas hidup lansia Kelurahan Wonokromo, mengetahui proses penyaluran program BST di Kelurahan Wonokromo, dan menganalisis pengaruh dan wujud yang diberikan program Bantuan Sosial Tunai terhadap peningkatan kualitas hidup lansia di Kelurahan Wonokromo. Penelitian ini menggunakan pendekatan kuantitatif korelasional dengan uji Korelasi Point Biserial sebagai pisau analisis. Responden dalam penelitian ini merupakan hasil seleksi purposive sampling yaitu 50 lansia yang termasuk dalam daftar MBR dan dibagi atas 32 lansia penerima BST dan 18 diantaranya bukan penerima BST. Responden diminta untuk mengisi instrument OPQOL Brief-35 oleh Ann Bowling untuk dapat mengetahui pengaruh hadirnya program BST bagi kualitas hidup Lansia. Hasil penelitian ini mendapatkan nilai taraf signifikansi 1% , dengan N=50 maka r tabel=0,361, dan r hitung=0,713. Dapat disimpulkan, ajuan hipotesis dalam penelitian ini, yakni terdapat hubungan antara pemberian program BST dalam derajat kualitas hidup lanjut usia adalah diterima, karena terbukti adanya pengaruh serta hubungan yang positif antara variabel pemberian program BST dan variabel derajat kualitas hidup lansia sebesar 50,8% sesuai hasil R2 Linear dalam penelitian ini.
The poverty rate in Indonesia had been decreasing in the past few years. Unfortunately, the poverty rate in Indonesia increased as of March 2020. An aids fund named Bantuan Sosial Tunai was created by the Ministry of Social Affairs in tackling the economic problems in Indonesia. The elderly in Indonesia is one of the priorities to receive the BST aid funds due to their vulnerability. This study aims to identify the socio-economic conditions of the elderly in Kelurahan Wonokromo, determine the effect of the BST program on the quality of life of the elderly in Kelurahan Wonokromo, and identify the manifestation of the influence of the BST program on improving the quality of life of the elderly in Kelurahan Wonokromo. This study uses a correlational quantitative approach with the Biserial Point Correlation test as an analytical tool. Respondents in this study were chosen based on purposive sampling. There were 50 elderly who were included in the MBR list and they were divided into 32 elderly recipients of BST and 18 of them were not recipients of BST. Respondents were asked to fill out the OPQOL Brief-35 instrument by Ann Bowling to find out the effect of the BST program on the quality of life of the elderly. The results show that there is a significance level of 1%, with N = 50 then r table = 0.361, and r count = 0.713. It can be concluded that the proposed hypothesis in this study, stating that there is a relationship between the BST program in the degree of quality of life of the elderly, is accepted. It is proven that there is an influence and a positive relationship between the variable of giving the BST program and the variable of the degree of quality of life of the elderly by 50.8% according to Linear R2 results in this study.