Bekti, Siti Nurannisaa Parama. 2020. Pengembangan Model Pembelajaran Project Based Learning dengan Pendekatan Design Thinking untuk Meningkatkan Kemampuan Berpikir Kritis dan Kreatif. Disertasi, Program Studi Teknologi Pendidikan, Program Pascasarjana Universitas Negeri Surabaya. Pembimbing (1) Prof. Dr. Mustaji, M.Pd., dan (2) Dr. Bachtiar S. Bachri, M.Pd.
Kata Kunci : Model pembelajaran, project based learning, design thinking, berpikir kritis, berpikir kreatif, desain komunikasi visual
Project based learning (PjBL) merupakan model pembelajaran yang berfokus menciptakan produk melalui pembuatan proyek merupakan karakteristik model bidang studi DKV. Integrasi design thinking sebagai kerangka kerja desainer profesional diharapkan dapat membawa situasi cara kerja proyek industri desain ke dalam praktek pembelajaran sehingga kelas memiliki suasana "pembelajaran profesional". Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menghasilkan model project based learning dengan pendekatan design thinking yang akan dikaji dari segi (1) kelayakan model dan perangkat, (2) kepraktisan, dan (3) keefektifan model Project Based Learning menggunakan pendekatan Design Thinking untuk meningkatkan kemampuan berpikir kritis dan kreatif pada mahasiswa program studi DKV.
Model penelitian dan pengembangan ini dengan mengadaptasi langkah model Gall, Gall and Borg (2007) dengan membagi prosedur penelitian dan pengembangan tiga tahapan yaitu (1) tahap pendahuluan, (2) tahap pengembangan model, dan (3) tahap ujicoba dan evaluasi model. Instrumen pengumpul data terdiri atas (1) angket lembar validasi, (2) lembar observasi untuk melihat keterlaksanaan dan aktivitas mahasiswa, dan (3) kuesioner respon mahasiswa terhadap model pembelajaran. Subjek ujicoba dalam penelitian pengembangan ini adalah 30 orang mahasiswa pada mata kuliah praktek Desain Vektor, Program Studi DKV, Surabaya.
Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa model Project Based Learning menggunakan pendekatan Design Thinking memiliki (1) kelayakan model sebesar 92% (sangat baik) dan perangkat model sebesar 100% (sangat baik), (2) hasil observasi kepraktisan sebesar 91.8% (sangat baik), respon kemudahan mahasiswa 72% (baik), respon kemenarikan model 94% (sangat baik), dan (3) keefektifan model untuk berpikir kritis dan kreatif memiliki nilai signifikansi yaitu < 0,05 (0,000 < 0,05), menunjukkan bahwa pembelajaran baru lebih baik dari pembelajaran lama, terjadi peningkatan pada kemampuan berpikir menggunakan pembelajaran model tersebut.Implementasi indikator kemampuan berpikir dalam kerangka operasional sesuai dengan langkah proyek, dan menekankan proses pembelajaran pada kemampuan berpikir memberi dampak positif pada proses penciptaan hasil akhir produk.
Bekti, Siti Nurannisaa Parama. 2020. Development of Project-Based Learning Learning Models with Design Thinking Approaches to Improve Critical and Creative Thinking Abilities. Dissertation. Educational Technology Study Program, Postgraduate Program. Supervisor (1) Prof. Dr. Mustaji, M.Pd., and (2) Dr. Bachtiar S. Bachri, M.Pd.
Kata Kunci : Learning models, project-based learning, design thinking, critical thinking, creative thinking, visual communication design
Project-based learning (PjBL) is a learning model that focuses on creating products through project making is a characteristic of DKV subject areas. The integration of design thinking as a framework of professional designers is expected to bring the situation of how the design industry projects work in learning practices, so that the class has an atmosphere of "professional learning". The purpose of this study is to to produce a project-based learning model with design thinking approach that will be examined in terms of (1) the feasibility of the model and learning tools, (2) the practicality of the model, and (3) the effectiveness of the Project-Based Learning model using the Design Thinking approach to improve critical and creative thinking skills.
This is a Research and Development by adapting the Gall, Gall, and Borg (2007) model step. Dividing step procedures into three stages, (1) the preliminary stage, (2) the model development stage, and (3) the trial and evaluation phase of the model. Data collection instruments consisted of (1) questionnaire validation sheets, (2) observation sheets to see the implementation and activities of students, and (3) questionnaire responses of students to learning models. The trial subjects were 30 students with Vector Design courses, at the DKV Study Program, Surabaya.
The results showed that the Project-Based Learning model using the Design Thinking approach had (1) the feasibility of the model at 92% (very good) and the model set at 100% (very good), (2) the practical observations of 91.8% (very good) , the ease of student response 72% (good), the attractiveness response of the model 94% (very good), and (3) the effectiveness of the model for critical and creative thinking has a significance value of <0.05 (0,000 <0.05), indicating that new learning is better than old learning, there has been an increase in the ability to think using this model. Implementation the indicators of thinking ability in the operational framework by following the steps of the project, and do emphasize the learning process on the ability to think has a positive impact on the process of creating the final product.