Di masa pandemi seperti ini agenda kegiatan sepakbola termasuk pertandingan selama masa pandemi di hentikan, hal ini menyebabkan kerugian yang besar bagi pelaku sepakbola. Berbagai persepsi disampaikan masyarakat penggemar sepakbola tentang keluhan-keluhan dikarenakan berhentinya laga sepakbola di Indonesia. Hal ini yang menyebabkan peneliti ingin mengetahui dampak dari penyakit Covid-19 terhadap Sepakbola khususnya di Indonesia. Oleh karena itu peneliti membuat rumusan masalah yaitu “Persepsi Masyarakat Terhadap Sepakbola Indonesia di masa Pandemi Covid-19.” Tujuan dari penelitian ini untuk mengetahui persepsi masyarakat terhadap sepakbola Indonesia di masa pandemi. Metode yang digunakan yaitu deskriptif kuantitatif survey. Populasi yang digunakan adalah masyarakat Surabaya penggemar sepakbola sejumlah 100 orang. Instrumen alat yang digunakan yaitu kuisioner berupa googleform yang sudah divalidasi. Hasil menunjukan persepsi pada pengadaan pertandingan jawaban sangat setuju 29%, setuju 44%, tidak setuju 25% dan sangat tidak setuju 3%. Persepsi supporterer jawaban sangat setuju 12%, setuju 41%, tidak setuju 41% dan sangat tidak setuju 6%. Kepelatihan Olahraga jawaban sangat setuju 28%, setuju 39%, tidak setuju 29% dan sangat tidak setuju 4%. Peran organisasi pemerintah jawaban sangat setuju 13%, setuju 39%, tidak setuju 43% dan sangat tidak setuju 6%. Pembinaan jawaban sangat setuju 9%, setuju 59%, tidak setuju 29% dan sangat tidak setuju 3%. Peneliti menyimpulkan masyarakat setuju jika sepakbola diadakan kembali selama masa pandemi, masyarakat setuju jika pengadaan pertandingan sepakbola tanpa supporter, bidang kepelatihan setuju jika pandemi sangat berdampak bagi mereka, masyarakat tidak setuju jika organisasi pemerintah berperan sepenuhnya menanggulangi masalah sepakbola di masa pandemi, Masyarakat setuju jika prestasi pembinaan sepakbola di Indonesia ini semakin menurun.
During a pandemic like this, the agenda of football activities, including matches during the pandemic, is stopped, this causes great losses for football players. Various perceptions were conveyed by the football fan community about the complaints due to the cessation of football matches in Indonesia. This is what causes researchers to want to know the impact of the Covid-19 disease on soccer, especially in Indonesia. Therefore, the researcher formulated the problem formulation, namely "Public Perception of Indonesian Football during the Covid-19 Pandemic." The purpose of this study was to determine the public's perception of Indonesian football during the pandemic. The method used is descriptive quantitative survey. The population used is the people of Surabaya football fans with a total of 100 people. The instrument used is a questionnaire in the form of a validated google form. The results show perceptions of the procurement of matches, the answers strongly agree 29%, agree 44%, disagree 25% and strongly disagree 3%. Supporters' perceptions of answers strongly agree 12%, agree 41%, disagree 41% and strongly disagree 6%. Sports Coaching answers strongly agree 28%, agree 39%, disagree 29% and strongly disagree 4%. The role of government organizations answers strongly agree 13%, agree 39%, disagree 43% and strongly disagree 6%. Coaching answers strongly agree 9%, agree 59%, disagree 29% and strongly disagree 3%. The researcher concludes that the community agrees that football is held again during the pandemic, the community agrees that the procurement of football matches without supporters, the coaching field agrees that the pandemic has had a major impact on them, the community does not agree that government organizations have a full role in tackling football problems during the pandemic, the community agrees that achievements Football coaching in Indonesia is decreasing.