Name : Puspita Eka Putri
NIM : 16040254009
Study Program : S-1 PPKn
Department : PMP-KN
Faculty : Faculty Of
Social Sciences And Law
Name : State University
Counselor : Agus Satmoko Adi,
S.S., M. Si.
A state has the
obligation to serve its citizen and resident in fulfilling their basic rights
and needs in public services. According to the public service law number 25 of
2009, stated in article 1 paragraph 1, public services are the activities in
the fulfillment of service needs in accordance with the law and it is applied
for every citizen and resident for goods, services, and/or administration
services provided by public service administrator. Public service quality is an
important indicator in measuring the citizen satisfaction. Surabaya Population
and Civil Registration Department is one of the departments in Surabaya that
facilitates the public service especially in terms of the making of electronic
identity card or Kartu Tanda Penduduk
elektronik (KTP-el). The purpose of this study was to find out the
influence of public service quality in the making of KTP-el in Surabaya
Population and Civil Registration Department toward the level of its citizen
satisfaction. This study used the service quality theory from Zeithaml et al.
(1990) which contained five dimensions; tangibility, reliability,
responsiveness, assurance, and empathy.
The research
method used was the quantitative correlational study. In this study,
there were 100 respondents that became the research sample. Moreover, for the
data analysis techniques, there were,
(1) data validity test that was calculated using Pearson Correlation
product moment formula to determine the accuracy and the validity of a
certain research questionnaire, (2) data reliability test that was computed
using Spearman Brown formula to find out the reliability of a certain
data or item that was distributed to the research respondents, (3) data
sufficiency test that was calculated using Slovin’s formula to determine
that the questionnaire had been distributed sufficiently or normally, (4)
simple regression analysis that was computed to examine the causal relationship
between variables; the public service in Surabaya Population and Civil
Registration Department and the citizen satisfaction level in Surabaya, (5)
correlation coefficient analysis with Product Moment Method formula to
measure the closeness relationship between variables, (6) determination
analysis that was used to present the
influence of public service in Surabaya Population and Civil
Registration Department variable toward the level of citizen satisfaction in
Surabaya variable, and (7) partial test (T) that was conducted to figure
out the magnitude effect of the public
service in Surabaya Population and Civil Registration Department
variable toward the level of citizen satisfaction in Surabaya variable.
This study revealed the result
of the partial test on the two variables in which it showed that t.count
12,787 > t.table (2,086); thus, it could be interpreted that H0 was rejected
and Ha was accepted. With 5% significance level, it could be concluded that
there was a significant influence of the public service quality in the making
of KTP-el in Surabaya Population and Civil Registration Department on the level
of the citizen satisfaction in Surabaya. The tabulation ranking on each X
variable indicator item which was about the service quality revealed that item
1 had the highest acquisition with the score of 89.2%, while item 16 as the
lowest one with the score of 74.6%. Besides, the tabulation ranking on each Y
variable item which was about the level of the citizen satisfaction showed that
item 30 had the highest acquisition with the score of 88,2%, while item 39 as
the lowest acquisition with the score of 68,8%.
Key Words: Public Service, KTP-el, Population and
Civil Registration Department, Surabaya