Identifikasi Genetik Clithon oualaniense (Lesson, 1831) (Gastropoda: Neritidae) dari Madura, Indonesia
Clithon oualaniense is a member of the Neritidae (Mollusca: Gastropoda), which has many shell variations, hence often causes miss-morphological identification. DNA barcode provides a solution in molecular taxonomy by using short DNA sequences to identify species. This study aimed to characterize the DNA barcode of Clithon oualaniense and to analyze the phylogenetic relationship of Clithon oualaniense from Madura, Indonesia. Samples were taken from Labuhan Beach Bangkalan Madura using a purposive sampling method by taking three dominant variations and two nondominant variations then preserved in absolute ethanol. Molecular characterization was performed using Cytochrome Oxidase subunit I (COI) markers. It was obtained through DNA isolation, DNA amplification using COI barcode primers, electrophoresis and genetic analysis using bioinformatics software. The results of COI DNA barcode obtained a DNA sequence length of 667 bp consisting of 10 types of transition mutations and 657 conserve nucleotide bases. The phylogenetic tree reconstruction of the research samples and Clithon oualaniense from GenBank through the NeighborJoining and Maximum Likelihood methods formed one cluster with a bootstrap value of 100 with a similarity value between 98.26-100%. Analysis using COI barcode DNA markers has successfully identified the species Clithon oualaniense from Madura, Indonesia.
Key words: Clithon oualaniense; Cytochrome Oxidase subunit I (COI); phylogenetic